Saturday, September 08, 2018

2018.09.08 Hopewell @Home ▫ Acts 20:25-32

Questions for Littles: What will the Ephesian elders never see again (v25)? Of what does Paul say he is innocent (v26)? Why—what has he not shunned to declare to them (v27)? To whom must the elders take heed to first (v28)? To whom else must they take heed? Who has made the elders overseers? What are the overseers to do the church? Whose church is it? How did He get it? What danger does v29 warn against? What danger does v30 warn against? What is the example for how watchful the elders are supposed to be, and how watchful was he (v31)? To what is Paul commending/entrusting them, with all of these instructions (v32)? What is it able to do?
From the Scripture for this week’s sermon, we learned God’s plan for getting us all the way home.

At the end of the passage, the apostle says that he commends them to God and to the word of His grace. If we have been paying attention in Scripture, everywhere we see this truth: God alone can save, which salvation therefore must be only by grace; and, He has determined to do so by means of His Word.

Furthermore, this Scripture gives us even more details about the manner in which God works in us by His Word. God the Son has purchased the church by His own blood. Now, God the Holy Spirit has made some redeemed sinners into overseers, so that they might shepherd that church.

What do these overseer-shepherds need to do? Declare to the flock the whole counsel of God.

But it’s not exactly that simple. There are savage wolves that come in among the flock and devour them. The shepherds must go around amongst the flock, checking to see that Christ’s blood-bought ones are fed properly and protected properly.

Also, there are elders who will say things that stray from the Scriptures, and draw people after themselves instead of after the Savior. So, it is a necessary part of the care of the flock for elders to maintain their own souls, and to study, and to keep one another accountable.

This is, ultimately, what it means to entrust oneself to God and the Word of His grace: to be a truly biblical Presbyterian.
How have you enlisted the elders’ help to avoid spiritual/theological danger?
Suggested Songs: ARP23B “The Lord’s My Shepherd” or TPH23B “The Lord’s My Shepherd”

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