Saturday, September 28, 2019

2019.09.28 Hopewell @Home ▫ Genesis 19:1-11

Questions from the Scripture text: Who had said that He was going down to Sodom in Genesis 18:21? And who does Genesis 18:22 say departed? Now, who does Genesis 19:1 say arrive in Sodom? At what time of day do they arrive? Where do they find Lot? How does he respond when he sees them? Where does he tell them to spend the night (Genesis 19:2)? Where do they say that they will spend the night? Who prevails (Genesis 19:3)? What does Lot do for them? What do the men of the city do in Genesis 19:4? Which ones? For what (whom!) do they ask in Genesis 19:5? What is Lot’s counterproposal (Genesis 19:6-8)? What rationale does he give in Genesis 19:8? What do the men say about Lot in Genesis 19:9? What do they threaten? Who save Lot in Genesis 19:10 and how? What do they do in Genesis 19:11
One of the things that shocks us, as we arrive at Sodom with the two “angels” is to find Lot in the gate. This is a place for those who have become men of influence in the society—a position into which Lot has worked himself, despite not becoming entirely like them (cf. Genesis 19:9). It has been an unhappy progression to see Lot going from pitching his tent toward Sodom, to being close enough (geographically and by association) to be captured with Sodom in battle, and now to being part of the Sodom city government.

Now, let us not think ourselves better than Lot or immune to his downfall. 2 Peter 2:6-8 teaches us that Lot was righteous, and that he wasn’t acclimating but rather that it tormented his righteous soul day to day for him to see and hear their lawless deeds. It’s quite possible that the reason that we find him in the city gate is because he hopes to be able to “make a difference” by being a believer in such a position.

Still, Lot is quite certain that these obviously godly ones (we’re not sure if he recognizes them as angels or manifestations of the Lord) should spend as little time as possible in Sodom—and, even then, only at his own home (Genesis 19:2). Perhaps he should have taken his own advice!

By the time we are done, his wicked Sodomite sons-in-law will be gone; his wife will be a cautionary statue in the desert; and, although he will get his daughters out of Sodom, he will never get the Sodom out of his daughters. The entire history of the Moabites and Ammonites will be a testament to that.

During the course of the night, he even offers to have his own daughters abused by the entire city. There is a lesson here, as the angels strike the men of the city with supernatural blindness (it takes more than ordinary blindness to wear them out with trying to find the door). There are some things that only God Himself can do, and when man tries, he puts himself into a place where his own sinfulness will take advantage of him. Lot needed saving from more than just sinful Sodom. Lot needed saving from the remaining sin in Lot.
Into what situations do you put yourself (and your family) where you find yourself compromising with sin? What are ways of loving your neighbor without doing so?
Suggested songs: ARP46 “God Is Our Refuge” or TPH518 “Come, My Soul, with Every Care”

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