Tuesday, July 28, 2020

2020.07.28 Hopewell @Home ▫ John 16:5–28

Questions from the Scripture text: Where is Jesus going now (John 16:5)? What aren’t the disciples asking? What effect has His saying this had upon them (John 16:6)? What does Jesus say is to their advantage (John 16:7)? What advantage do they get from Jesus going away? Of what three things will the Spirit convict the world when He comes (John 16:8)? Why of sin (John 16:9)? Why of righteousness (John 16:10)? Why of judgment (John 16:11)? What does Jesus still have to say to whom (John 16:12)? Why doesn’t He do so now? Who will speak them to the things to come (John 16:13)? When? Whom will He glorify (John 16:14)? What will He take? To whom will He give it? What things belong to Jesus (John 16:15)? What will happen after a little while (John 16:16)? What will happen after another little while? Why? Who have a hard time understanding this (John 16:17-19)? What will they be doing when they don't see Him (John 16:20)? What will the world be doing? But what will happen to their sorrow? What illustration does Jesus give, in John 16:21, of sorrow being turned into joy? When will the disciples’ hearts rejoice (John 16:22)? For how long? Whom does He say they will ask to have their joy full (John 16:23-24)? What will happen when they ask? How has Jesus spoken to them just now about the cross and resurrection (John 16:25, cf. John 16:21)? When He speaks to them more plainly, about Whom will He speak? What will they do in that day (John 16:25-26)? Who loves them directly (John 16:27)? How can they know that? From where did Jesus come (John 16:28)? Where is Jesus going?
Next week’s Call to Worship, Prayer for Help, and Confession of Sin come from John 16:5–28 in order that we will see that we are singing God’s thoughts after Him with Holy Ghost, Dispel Our Sadness!

What a gift the Holy Spirit is! He is very God of very God, the third Person of the Trinity. And in Him, we have both the Father and the Son, and all that is theirs (John 16:14-15).

Through the apostles, the Holy Spirit has completed giving us all that Jesus says to us (John 16:12-13), a work that He had begun by the prophets of old (cf. 1 Peter 1:10–11). And in all these Scriptures, New and Old, He was always glorifying Christ (John 16:14a, cf. John 5:39; Luke 24:25–27; 1 Peter 1:12).

Indeed, He is the One who convinces us (John 16:8) that sin is dealt with by believing in Jesus (John 16:9), that righteousness through faith is assured because Jesus is risen and ascended (John 16:10), and that Jesus having ascended means that Satan is condemned and defeated (John 16:11).

So, it is with this Christ-exalting, Scripture-exposing, Truth-convincing power that the Holy Spirit comes to us in such a great fellowship with us that it is better even than if Jesus had stayed with us (John 16:5-7)!

The Holy Spirit’s ministry is the key to Christian joy. Not by giving insider knowledge or the ability to see into the spirit world. And certainly not by causing us to behave in a manner that looks drug-induced or demon possessed. No, the key to Christian joy is the Holy Spirit enabling us to see by faith (not sight) our Lord Jesus, ascended and sitting in glory.

Sorrow fills the heart of the believer who cannot get sight of the Lord Jesus (John 16:5), but as the Holy Spirit fulfills that ministry described in John 16:7-14, He turns our sorrow to joy (John 16:20-22). When we realize that Jesus who died and was buried has now risen and ascended to the Father (John 16:16-19), we are sure not only that we belong to Christ, but that in Christ we belong to the Father Himself, Who also personally hears our prayers (John 16:23-26), loves us (John 16:27), and sent Christ for us (John 16:28).

This is the great ministry of the Holy Spirit—to give to us fellowship with our Triune God, by means of His Word, unto our everlasting joy!
Based on this passage, if you are hoping to have joy in the Holy Spirit, what means should you expect Him to bless to that end and how? What should you be doing, and in what way?
Suggested songs: ARP98 “O Sing a New Song” or TPH392 “Holy Ghost, Dispel Our Sadness”

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