Friday, August 14, 2020

2020.08.14 Hopewell @Home ▫ Luke 7:36–50

Read Luke 7:36–50

Questions from the Scripture text: Who asked Jesus to do what in Luke 7:36? Where did Jesus do that? Who found out that Jesus was there (Luke 7:37)? What did she bring? Where did she stand (Luke 7:38)? What was she doing? What did she begin to do? How did she wipe them? What two things did she do after that? Who saw this (Luke 7:39)? To whom did he speak? About Whom did he speak? What is he questioning about Jesus? What did he think Jesus should know? What did he think made the woman different from himself? Who answers the Pharisee’s internal talk (Luke 7:40)? In the parable what are the two debts that are forgiven (Luke 7:41-42)? What question does Jesus ask? How does Simon answer (Luke 7:43)? What does Jesus say Simon did not do for Him (Luke 7:44)? What does Jesus say the woman did for Him? What does Jesus say Simon did not give Him (Luke 7:45)? What has the woman continually given Him (verse 45)? What does Jesus say Simon hadn’t done (Luke 7:46)? What has the woman done? What does Jesus say about the number of her sins in Luke 7:47? What does Jesus say about the status of her sins? What has she done much? Who has loved little? So what does this mean about Simon’s forgiveness? What does Jesus say to the woman (Luke 7:48)? To whom does He not say this? Who ask what in Luke 7:49? What does Jesus say to whom in Luke 7:50?

What is a good way to tell that you’ve been forgiven? For those whose eternal souls are at stake, there are few questions more important than that one. And Jesus here gives an answer: by whether you love Him much.

One imagines that Simon the Pharisee comes away from this thinking that Jesus did, after all, know the great difference between the woman and the others at the table (Luke 7:39). After all, Jesus is saying, Simon didn’t have much to be forgiven, right? Or so Simon thought.

But that would be a great mistake. How very much—infinitely much, since we have sinned continuously against the infinity of God’s glory—each of us needs to be forgiven! There’s actually no such thing as someone who has been forgiven little. Either you’ve been forgiven much, or you haven’t been forgiven at all.

So, the woman has two great advantages over the Pharisee. She knows, painfully and deeply, that she needs to be forgiven of very much. And, she knows that for the forgiveness of people like her is exactly why Jesus has come. Simon, however, thinks that he doesn’t need much forgiveness, and that Jesus has only come as a teacher.

Whose advantages (or disadvantages) do you have? Not just out loud in your thoughts (or family worship), but in your heart of hearts? 

Well, how do you respond to Jesus? With love and adoration that just can’t seem to stop expressing themselves? Perhaps you are dull hearted and easily distracted—and my the Holy Spirit help us all with such afflictions—but still, when you do particularly think of Him, what is your response? Does your heart gush with love? Do your hands move to do whatever they can for His body, the church? Do you lose the inhibitions of worrying about what others are thinking, if only you can just serve your Redeemer well?

What are some of the ways in your heart and life that “loving Jesus much” can be seen?

Suggested songs: ARP45A “My Heart Is Greatly Stirred” or TPH496 “My Jesus, I Love Thee”

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