Friday, November 09, 2018

2018.11.09 Hopewell @Home ▫ John 5:31-47

Questions for Littles: Whom does Jesus not claim as a witness for Himself in v31? What does He claim to have from another instead in v32? Whom does He name as a witness of Himself in v33? Why is this witness not that important to Him personally (v34)? If not, then why did He mention that witness? What does Jesus call John the Baptizer in v35? What kind of witness does Jesus claim to have in v36? Who gave Him works to do? What did those works testify that the Father had done? Whom else does Jesus say, in v37, has testified of Jesus? Who had never heard His voice? What had they not seen? What did they not have abiding in them (v38)? Why not? What did they search (v39)? What did they think they would have in the Scriptures? But of Whom do the Scriptures testify? To whom were they unwilling to come to have life (v40)? From whom does Jesus not receive His honor (v41)? But what did His hearers not have for God (v42)? In whose name did Jesus come (v43)? What name were they more willing to receive? From whom were they willing to receive honor (v44)? Who will accuse them to the Father (v45)? About Whom did Moses write (v46)? What did Jesus expect them to reject, since they do not listen to Moses (47)
In the Gospel reading this week, Jesus addresses a rather common claim of those who do not believe in Him: they say that there’s just not enough evidence.

Of course, as Jesus points out, there’s plenty of good testimony to Jesus as the only hope of eternal life. John the Baptizer witnessed to Him as the Lamb that takes away the sin of the world. Jesus’s works were signs that He performed in which others might behold His glory. The Father Himself spoke from heaven at Jesus’s baptism. And the Scriptures in general—and Moses in particular—spoke of Jesus as the One in whom they might have eternal life.

So, why is it that people refuse Christ, when there is this fourfold witness? Why is it that others refuse to believe in God at all, despite all of the evidence about Himself that He has built into the creation?

The problem is not in the evidence. The problem is not in the argument. The problem is in the heart of the unbeliever. YOU ARE NOT WILLING (v40). YOU DO NOT HAVE THE LOVE OF GOD IN YOU (v42).

What we need, in order to come to Christ, is not more evidence, but to realize that it is our rebellious wills and wicked hearts that are the problem. Once we relent, we are ready to listen to the Scriptures, which we know from this passage that they will be speaking to us of Him!
Have you admitted your own rebellious will and wicked heart? Whom do you know that is rejecting Christ? What do they need? What can you do for them?
Suggested songs: ARP2 “Why Do Gentile Nations Rage?” or TPH271 “Blessed Jesus, at Your Word”

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