Questions for Littles: When Christ came into the world, what did He say that God did not desire (v5)? What did He say that God had prepared for Him instead? In what did He say that God had no pleasure (v6)? Of whom was it written in the scroll of the book (v7)? Who had come to do God’s will? What did God do to the old sacrifices (v8-9)? What did He establish instead? What did God will to be the way that we would be sanctified (made holy, v10)?In this week’s sermon text, we learned what (Whom!) Psalm 40:6-8 is all about: the Lord Jesus and His sacrifice!
Now, it’s true that David originally wrote those words. And God “dug out ears” for David, just as He did 1000 years later for Christ. But the problem with David’s ears is that they did not listen like they should. He would write, later in that Psalm, “My iniquities have gone over my head.”
So, who is the One about whom the book says that He would actually come and do God’s will? That He would be perfectly obedient, and that His obedience would put an end to all other sacrifices?
Our passage answers: that was about Jesus. In fact, we can understand v5 very literally as something that Jesus said. As He grew in wisdom, and stature, and in favor with God and with men, Jesus realized that these verses from Psalm 40 were about Himself.
Wonderful finality! Have you ever had a problem that you tried one thing after another, and nothing worked? Our being cleansed as holy from our sin is just such a problem.
But God had a plan. God had a will for how we would be cleansed as holy from our sin: He would prepare a body for His own Son. And His Son would come and be obedient… especially the obedience of going to the cross, and offering upon that cross, once for all, the body that had been prepared for Him.
You remember Jesus’s prayer: “Now My soul is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father, save Me from this hour’? But for this purpose I came to this hour. Father, glorify Your name.” (Jn 12:27-28)
We can be absolutely certain of salvation through the death of Christ, because this has always been God’s only plan for our cleansing. Are you clean?
How have you responded to what has God accomplished for you in the death of Jesus Christ?Suggested Songs: ARP51A “God, Be Merciful to Me” or HB276 “There Is a Fountain”
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