Monday, March 19, 2018

2018.03.19 Hopewell @Home ▫ Hebrews 10:26-31

Questions for Littles: How might one sin, even after he knows the truth (v26)? What, then, no longer remains for him if he does so? What certain, fearful expectation would he have (v27)? What will devour God’s adversaries? For rejecting whose law did people die without mercy (v28)? How does the punishment for rejecting the gospel compare (v29)? When someone rejects the gospel, Whom do they trample underfoot? What do they treat as a common thing? What have they done to the Spirit? Who says, “Vengeance is Mine; I will repay” (v30)? Who will judge His people? What kind of thing is it if you fall into the hands of the living God (v31)?  
In the sermon this week, we moved from last week’s great privilege and duty to an equally great warning.

Man’s chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever. But, if we will not glorify God by enjoying Him, we will still most certainly bring glory to His infinite perfections—not just His justice and holiness, but also even His love.

How great is God’s love, that He has given us His Son! And therefore, if we know that He did so, and still are not battling against our sin, God’s wrath will glorify His love by devouring us in fiery indignation.

How great is God’s love, that He has brought us into everlasting covenant with Himself, and that by His own blood! And therefore, if we know that He did so, and still are not battling against our sin, God’s wrath will glorify His love by devouring us in fiery indignation.

How great is God’s love, that He has given us His own Spirit to work in us by His own strength! And therefore, if we know that He did so, and still are not battling against our sin, God’s wrath will glorify His love by devouring us in fiery indignation.

We see now how vital it is that we employ Christ’s appointed means for battling sin: gathering for Lord’s Day worship to hold fast to Him together, and being called alongside one another to stir up love and good deeds.

Some say, “A loving God would not have fiery indignation that devours.” But, it is precisely because sinners are scorning and rejecting this infinitely glorious love that justice demands “fiery indignation which will devour.”

But: back to His love. This passage does not come to us with arms folded, “See what you deserve?” Rather, it comes to us with arms extended, “See how much I love you that I designed the worship and fellowship of the church for your good?”

The real question for us is: what use will we make of these means that He has so lovingly provided?
How can you tell whether you are genuinely devoted to Lord’s Day worship and fellowship?
Suggested Songs: ARP184 “Adoration and Submission” or HB70 “O Day of Rest and Gladness”

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