Questions for Littles: To whom did he cry, with what? What was this crying out like (vv2-3)? What troubles him in v3a? Who was holding his eyelids open (v4)? What couldn’t he do because of how troubled he was (v4b)? What did he try to remember in response (v5-6, v10-12)? What did he conclude was absolutely impossible (v7-9)? Why is it impossible that God’s love and grace would fail (v13-14)? What is the greatest example of this (v15)? What Old Testament display of saving power was a primary picture of the cross (v16-20)? What does this psalm describe as the nature of the strong east wind at the Red Sea (vv16-19, cf. Ex 14:21)? Yet, amidst all this trembling, flashing, and thundering, how does v20 describe what God was doing?In the coming sermon’s text, we find the psalmist in a truly horrible situation. There’s no comfort for his soul. Even his initial remembrance of God troubles him (v3), and he says that it is God Himself who is holding his eyelids open.
What is the situation that is troubling him so much?
We don’t know, and that’s a great blessing. Not needing to know the details of the situation means that this psalm is holding out to us a comfort that applies to every situation. It is like that wonderful truth in 2Corinthians 1:3-5… because God is the God of all comfort, when He comforts us in our trouble, it enables us to point to Him as comfort in any trouble.
Whatever our trouble is, the comfort remedy is the same. So, it doesn’t matter what the psalmist’s situation was. What matters was his solution.
Consider God’s character through God’s track record. Sometimes, it is not from the storm, but directly in the midst of it, that the Lord is saving His people and leading them by the hand.
What does it look like to be led gently by our shepherd? Sometimes, it looks like thundering, lightning, and earthquakes. Sometimes, it looks like being backed up against the sea, with the most powerful enemy on earth surrounding us, enraged and bent upon our destruction.
We don’t need to be able to see the way out. We don’t need it to feel comfortable and look pleasant. We just need to know whom we are with: the God who does wonders, who declares His strength, who led His people by the hand through the Red Sea. WHO HAS GIVEN HIMSELF FOR US AT THE CROSS.
Ultimately, there has never been anything so horrifying as Christ’s cross. Yet, it was exactly there that the Lord was doing His greatest saving work. Whatever your trouble, dear Christian, consider God’s character through His track record: a track record that must take you ultimately to the cross!
What situation keeps you up at night? How will you remember the cross at those times?Suggested Songs: ARP77A “My Voice to God, Aloud I Plead” or HB112 “God Moves in a Mysterious Way”
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