Read Genesis 4:6-24
Questions for Littles: Who was talking to Cain? What two questions did the Lord ask Cain in Genesis 4:6? What further question did God ask Cain in Genesis 4:7? What is the assumed answer to that question? What did the LORD say lies at the door, if Cain does not do well? What did He say sin desired? What did He say that Cain should do instead? With whom did Cain speak in Genesis 4:8? Where were they in verse 8? What did Cain do? Who talked to Cain again in Genesis 4:9? What did He ask Cain? What was Cain’s first response? Was that true? Secondly, what did Cain ask the Lord? What is his implied answer to that question? What question does the Lord now ask Cain in Genesis 4:10a? What declaration does the Lord make in Genesis 4:10b? What judgment does God pronounce in Genesis 4:11? What does Genesis 4:12 say in explanation of what this curse means? What will Cain have to do, since he will no longer be able to farm successful? Now what complaint does Cain make in Genesis 4:13? What does he put at the center of his complaint in Genesis 4:14? From Whose face did he complain that he would be hidden? What ironic complaint does he make at the end of verse 14—what is he afraid that someone might do to him? What does the LORD say will happen to whomever kills Cain (Genesis 4:15)? What does the LORD do to him so that everyone will know not to kill him? What does Cain do as soon as he goes out from the presence of the LORD (Genesis 4:16-17)? How does this compare to Genesis 4:12? How many wives does Lamech take (Genesis 4:19)? What do their children accomplish (Genesis 4:20-22)? What does Lamech brag about in Genesis 4:23-24?In the Scripture for this week’s sermon, we saw first, that sin kills the sinner; second, that sin attacks God; third, that sin spurns grace, and fourth, that sin may be disguised in earthly glory.
Sin kills the sinner. Cain was angry at God, but God was trying to help Cain see his true enemy: his sin. Sin desired to dominate him, and what he needed to do was destroy it. Kill it. But, he couldn’t, because he was not hoping in Christ and was not led by the Spirit. He chose the sin that was killing him over the Lord who was being merciful to him.
And sin attacks God. Satan was unable to harm God, so he went after people who are made in the image of God. Satan was the murderer from the beginning, and Cain ended up being his first ultimate victim. Not only does Cain literally commit murder, assaulting God’s image, but then he blames God Himself in verse 9. It was the Lord who was Abel’s keeper, as verse 10 shows (cf. Proverbs 22:22-23). It is because sin is against God that God says, “vengeance is Mine; I will repay.”
Therefore, sin spurns grace. One of the main features of the passage was God’s mercy to Cain. The Lord warns and rebukes him. And the Lord does not immediately destroy him. And the Lord even puts a mark of protection upon him. But every good that the Lord does to him ends up testifying against him, because he does not repent.
Finally, sin may be disguised in earthly glory. Cain builds the first city (in defiance of his punishment!). Lamech is a ladies’ man, who writes hymns to himself. His children are successful farmers, musicians, engineers, and beauty queens.
How are you battling sin? How is God’s patience leading you to repentance?Suggested Songs: ARP32A “What Blessedness” or TPH130A “Lord, from the Depths to You I Cry!”
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