Read Genesis 11:10-32
Questions for Littles: Whose genealogy does Genesis 11:10 begin? What happens to the lengths of the lives between Genesis 11:10 and Genesis 11:25? How many sons of each generation are specifically named? How many of Terah’s children are named (Genesis 11:26)? What does Genesis 11:27 begin to tell about? Which grandson does Genesis 11:27 name? Which son dies before his father (Genesis 11:28)? Where? Who take wives in Genesis 11:29? What fact does Genesis 11:30 note about Sarai? Whom does Terah not take with him in Genesis 11:31? From where did they begin? To where were they going? But where did they end up? How many years, total, did Terah live (Genesis 11:32)?To some, genealogies may seem boring; but, there are many to whom the study of genealogies is very interesting. It depends, in large part, upon how invested we are in that particular family line. But this genealogy should be interesting to every one of us; because, if we are not personally invested in it, we will perish in our sins. This is because this genealogy is sending us hurtling toward Christ.
Whereas in chapter 10, the genealogy named several children from each generation, this list gives us just one—even though it tells us that the father kept begetting sons and daughters for hundreds of years—the one who takes us a step closer to Jesus Christ.
Why is He so important to us? Well, in part because we deserve to be condemned by God’s justice and punished by God’s wrath. The last time we saw God narrowing the focus to just one family, He literally executed everyone else. We all still deserve it—even the line from Shem to Abram deserves it. But, they are not being wiped off the earth. They are being permitted to build families and cover the earth. The Lord leaves them, because the Lord intends to save them through Christ. Every one of us deserves wrath. We need a Redeemer who can take our guilt away.
Another reason that Jesus is so important to us is that we need a Redeemer stronger than death. The refrain from chapter 5 is missing: and he died… and he died… and he died. But the reality is there and intensifying. The age at death keeps dropping from the 600s to the 400s, 200s, 100s. By Psalm 90:10, Moses will say that man lives 70, maybe 80 years. This death crisis must come to an end! Every one of us will die. We need a redeemer stronger than death.
Finally, we rejoice to read this genealogy, because even as the Scripture takes us toward Christ, it reminds us that in order to reserve the glory for Jesus, God is pleased to use the weak in His plan of salvation. Other genealogies have been those who are impressive from an earthly perspective. This one doesn’t have any such impressiveness to boast. Then, at the end, after all of this begetting, we meet Abram and Sarai. But there’s no begetting for them. The ones from whom will come the Christ have not fertility to offer the Lord but barrenness.
The Lord is pleased to use weakness. All the glory be to God alone!
What do you deserve? How will your life end? What has God done about this? Besides sins of which you must repent, what human weakness do you have to offer God?Suggested Songs: ARP32A-B “What Blessedness” or TPH435 “Not What My Hands Have Done”
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