Read Genesis 24:10-21
Questions from the Scripture text: What did the servant take (Genesis 24:10)? How many? Why was he able to take so much? To what region did he go? To what city? Where did he make the camels kneel (Genesis 24:11)? When? Who did what at that time? To Whom does he speak in Genesis 24:12? What does he call Him? What does he ask for himself? Unto whom does he ask God to show steadfast love? What does he tell God in Genesis 24:13? What does he assume that God has appointed (Genesis 24:14)? How does he ask to be able to identify her? When does he see Rebekah (Genesis 24:15)? From whose family is she? What is she carrying? What does she look like (Genesis 24:16)? What else do we learn about her? What does she do? What does the servant do at the beginning of Genesis 24:17? What does he ask? What does she say in Genesis 24:18? What does she do? What does she propose to do in Genesis 24:19? How many camels would this be? Until they have drunk how much? In what manner does she empty the pitcher in Genesis 24:20? At what pace does she return to the well? For how many camels does she draw? Who gazes at her (Genesis 24:21)? How does he remain? What is he learning?In Genesis 24:45, we learn that much of this takes place in the servant’s heart, as he prays. The Holy Spirit is allowing us to eavesdrop on the prayers of a man whose faith has been formed by grace in Abraham’s house. What do we learn here about the prayer of faith?
First, faith prays with action. The servant is certainly intentional, careful, and vigorous in his actions seeking the very things for which he is asking God. God has given us means, and prayer is one of the most important of them; but if we are really trusting Him, let us employ all of the means that He has placed at our disposal.
Second, faith prays as an act of worship. The servant acknowledges who God is, and that God has made a special relationship with Abraham. As he asks God to do what is needed to keep those promises, he is honoring God by treating Him according to who He is, what He has done, and what He has promised. The servant’s prayer is an act of worship.
Finally, faith prays with trust. The servant trusts that God cares to hear about his circumstances and requests. The servant trusts that God has already been doing all of the things that are necessary—creating Rebekah, working in her life, and even that she is already on the way to the well! The servant trusts that God’s wisdom is best—he doesn’t just assume that because his sign was fulfilled, that Rebekah must be the one. Instead, he uses God-given and God-instructed wisdom as he observes her. Maybe God has planned some other way of providing a wife than the one for which the servant has asked. The only way to know is to watch her to see what kind of woman she is—whether Yahweh has made his journey successful or not.
In which of these aspects of praying with faith do you most need to grow? How will you?Suggested Songs: ARP5 “Listen to My Words, O Lord” or TPH518 “Come, My Soul, with Every Care”
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