Read Luke 1:39-56
Questions from the Scripture text: Where did Mary go in Luke 1:39-40a? What did she do in verse 40b? What two things happened, in Luke 1:41, when Elizabeth heard this greeting? What did Elizabeth say (Luke 1:42-45)? How does Luke 1:45 describe Mary? Whom does she magnify (Luke 1:46)? In Whom does she rejoice (Luke 1:47)? What does she call Him? How does she describe herself (Luke 1:48a)? What will all generations call her (verse 48b)? Whose greatness and goodness does Mary describe in Luke 1:49-55? How long does Mary stay with Elizabeth (Luke 1:56)?Considering that Mary spent three months with Elizabeth, who was into her sixth month of pregnancy, but returned before the birth, it’s likely that Mary departed almost immediately after hearing the angels testimony about Elizabeth’s pregnancy as a sign unto Mary in Luke 1:36-37. Indeed, not only is the sign (Elizabeth’s pregnancy) true, but two more signs immediately appear: the baby’s leaping (Luke 1:41, Luke 1:44) and Elizabeth’s being filled with the Spirit and prophesying.
With all of these signs presented to her, Mary’s faith is strengthened, and when Luke 1:45 says, “Blessed is she who believed,” it makes it clear that Mary is an example unto us of gospel faith. This is one reason that the manmade invention of Mary being sinless is so harmful. She is not blessed by her performance, but through faith in what has been promised to her about her Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Mary herself calls God “her Savior,” and her focus is entirely upon the greatness of God, and how in His perfect goodness, He shows mercy to the lowly, the humble, the hungry. God’s blessing is by promise (Luke 1:54-55) through grace, and not for the proud, the mighty, or the rich (Luke 1:51-53). Indeed, if it were possible for Mary or anyone else to be sinless, Christ would not have needed to be born at all!
We have not had an angel appear to us, but we do have the completed Bible, including many well-attested signs by Christ, together with what the Holy Spirit has been doing in applying Christ’s redemption for two thousand years. These are meant to strengthen our faith in the Word that has been given to us—that whoever believes In Jesus Christ shall be saved. And blessed we will be, if we believe!
What are some Bible promises, made to believers in Christ? Do you believe them?Suggested songs: ARP116B “I Still Believed” or TPH459 “My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less”
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