Hopewell This Week,
January 6-11, 2020
▫The links are now active for the morning sermon (Genesis 24:29-58 Godly
Leadership in the Home: Communication, Consideration, and Consecration) and afternoon
exhortation (Galatians
5:13-15 – Freed by Christ to Keep All His Commandments out of Love for One
Another) from this past Lord’s Day
▫FRIDAY, Spirit and Truth” Dinner and a Movie, 6:30p.m. Bring a dish to
pass, if you can (if you can’t, don’t worry about it!), and we’ll eat while we
watch this excellently made film, as we begin to think about from Scripture “How
God wants to be worshiped.” On the Lord’s Day, we’ll be starting a sermon
mini-series on the same subject.
▫Children’s Catechism
for January 12
Q11. Can you see God? A. No; I cannot see God, but He always sees me.
Q11. Can you see God? A. No; I cannot see God, but He always sees me.
▫Shorter Catechism
for January 12
Q19. What is the misery of that estate whereinto man fell? A. All mankind by their fall lost communion with God, are under his wrath and curse, and so made liable to all the miseries in this life, to death itself, and to the pains of hell forever.
Q19. What is the misery of that estate whereinto man fell? A. All mankind by their fall lost communion with God, are under his wrath and curse, and so made liable to all the miseries in this life, to death itself, and to the pains of hell forever.
Songs for January 12:
A.M. Sermon Text for January 12: John 4:16-26
P.M. Exhortation Text for January 12: Galatians 5:16-18
▫Memory Verse for January 12
(John 4:23-24) But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.
(John 4:23-24) But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.
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