Read Psalm 103:13-22
Questions from the Scripture text: How does the Lord pity those who fear Him (Psalm 103:13)? What does He remember about us (Psalm 103:14)? What is the length and effect of a man’s life like (Psalm 103:15-16)? What two things in Psalm 103:17 have exactly the opposite length and effect? What are three characteristics of those who are recipients of this mercy and righteousness (Psalm 103:17-18)? Where is the Lord’s throne (Psalm 103:19), and how does this relate to man’s composition (cf. Psalm 103:14)? Upon whom does Psalm 103:20 call to praise Him? What does Psalm 103:21 call them? What do they have in common with the people from Psalm 103:17-18? Upon whom does Psalm 103:22 (a-b) call to praise Him? Upon whom does the last line of the Psalm call to praise Him?God is God, and we are not.
And unbelievers are just about the only creatures who fail to acknowledge it.
God acknowledges it (Psalm 103:14-16), and so He is patient, long-suffering, merciful, and compassionate (Psalm 103:13).
Despite their comparative strength to us (Psalm 103:20a), the angels acknowledge that God is God and they are not, for they do His Word (verse 20b), heed His Word (verse 20c), comprise armies of servants (Psalm 103:21) (a-b), and do His pleasure (verse 21b).
Indeed, all His works, everywhere, know that God is God, that it is His dominion, and so they praise Him (Psalm 103:22) (a-b).
So, it is the height of arrogance and wickedness that man, who is but dust—and who must return to that dust for his sin!—thinks that he is something.
But our merciful God is a Forgiver of sinners (Psalm 103:8-12), even to the extent that when He forgives us, He transforms us—His mercy and righteousness produce in us our fear of Him (Psalm 103:17b), our living as those who are bound to Him by covenant (Psalm 103:18a), and our focus upon both understanding and doing whatever He commands (verse 18b).
Praise be to God, Who exercises almighty power and bottomless mercy into bringing us back to the place where we live in hearty acknowledgement of the fact that He is God and we are not! And when He has done—and is doing—that work in us, we join the chorus of all creation from the mightiest angel to the lowliest creature.
Do I have an eternal soul that He has redeemed? Then let me bless Him with it!
What evidences of God’s forgiving, transforming work do you see in your life? Under what circumstances, and how often, are you admonishing your own soul to give Him His due praise? When/how do you do so?Suggested songs: ARP103B “Bless the Lord, My Soul” or TPH239 “Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven”
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