Saturday, May 09, 2020

2020.05.09 Hopewell @Home ▫ Genesis 25:27–34

Questions from the Scripture text: How does Genesis 25:27 summarily describe Esau? How does it summarily describe Jacob? Whom does Isaac love and why (Genesis 25:28)? Who loves Jacob? What has Jacob done in Genesis 25:29? What does Esau do? And what condition is he in? What does Esau ask (Genesis 25:30)? What changes as a result of this? What does Jacob demand (Genesis 25:31)? How does Esau respond to that (Genesis 25:32)? What does Jacob insist in Genesis 25:33? What four actions does Genesis 25:34 say happened? How does verse 34 summarize it? 
The Scripture has given us an admirable picture of Isaac and Rebekah so far, but we have just the beginning hints of trouble in this passage. Isaac is going to fall soon into one of the famous sins of his father, and by the time they are done, Isaac will be a self-indulgent old man who attempts to overturn the declared will of God, and Rebekah will be running a spy network to oppose her husband’s plans by force of cunning.

Even worse, Isaac’s fleshly priorities find a sad reflection in his eldest son. Hebrews 12:14–16 warns that if we do not pursue peace and that holiness which we must have to see the Lord, a root of bitterness will spring up, and people will become defiled and “profane (worldly/godless) like Esau, who for one morsel of food sold his birthright.”

We must never grow complacent in our walk with the Lord. Rather, “let him who thinks he stands, take heed lest he fall” (1 Corinthians 10:12).

And what is it to walk with God? Well, it is very much like it sounds. That every step we take, we would take in fellowship with Him. We would not turn aside to the right or to the left in breaking His commandments. We would not lag behind Him, shrinking from any duty. We would not run ahead of Him, either trusting in our own strength or pursuing our own fleshly interests. Just. Walk. With. Him. Obeying His commandments, serving Him in all things, trusting Him, and denying ourselves. He has shown thee, O man, what is good and what the Lord requires of thee: to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God (Micah 6:8).

If Esau walks with God, then he doesn’t exaggerate his present distress or desires. But there is One who was hungry, not having eaten for 40 days or nights. How did He resist temptation? Because He was dependent upon, devoted to, delighting in the God with Whom He walked, “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”

If Jacob walks with God, then he would trust God with his inheritance and show mercy to his brother. But there is One who is moved with compassion for five thousand hungry ones who, by the end of the next day, will have turned on Him entirely (John 6:1–66). He feeds them, and when it comes time to die for them, He opens not His mouth but entrusts Himself to God who judges justly (1 Peter 2:21–25).

So, let us rejoice that it is in our behalf that Christ has been the opposite of both Esau and Jacob here. Let us marvel that it was through such a family that Christ was coming into the world to obey in our place and die in our place. And, let us also learn from their example and His that we must walk with God because it please Christ, and because the work that He is doing in us is a work in which He is making us to be like Himself!
When do you tend to indulge your flesh? Upon whom do you find it hardest to have compassion?
Suggested songs: ARP1 “How Blessed the Man” or TPH525 “Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us”

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