Monday, June 15, 2020

2020.06.15 Hopewell @Home ▫ Genesis 26:34–28:9

Questions from the Scripture text: Whom does Esau take as wives in Genesis 26:34? What do Isaac and Rebekah think of them (Genesis 26:35; Genesis 27:46–28:2; Genesis 28:8)? Whom does Esau take as wife in Genesis 28:9? What was Isaac’s condition (Genesis 27:1–2)? What does he want to do for Esau (Genesis 27:4)? But what does he need Esau to do for him first (Genesis 27:3-4)? Who was listening (Genesis 27:5)? And what plan does she share with whom (Genesis 27:6-10)? What concern does Jacob have about this in Genesis 27:11-12? What does Rebekah suggest as a solution to that (Genesis 27:13)? Upon whose activity do Genesis 27:14-17 focus the most, as the plan is carried out? How do you know, from Genesis 27:18-24 that Isaac is actually pretty suspicious? What is Jacob even willing to do in his deceit in Genesis 27:20? With what things is Isaac quite pleased in Genesis 27:25-27? How does this relate to the first set of blessings in Genesis 27:28? What is the focus of the blessings in Genesis 27:29? How soon does Esau come in (Genesis 27:30)? Of what do Genesis 27:31-32 remind us? What are his and Esau’s reactions in Genesis 27:33-34? What does Esau now want (Genesis 27:35-36)? Why doesn’t Isaac think this is possible (Genesis 27:37-38)? Where does Isaac bless Esau to dwell (Genesis 27:39)? What relief does Esau’s blessing in Genesis 27:40 occasionally provide from Genesis 27:29? What does Esau plan to do when Jacob dies (Genesis 27:41)? What is Rebekah’s new plan for this situation (Genesis 27:42-45)? How does she initiate the new plan in Genesis 27:46? What does Isaac do, openly and conscientiously, in Genesis 28:1? Where is he sending him? What does he call God in Genesis 28:3? From where is the language of this blessing taken (Genesis 28:3-4, cf. chapters 12, 17, 22, 26)? How does Esau try to increase his own blessing in Genesis 28:6-9
In our previous look at this passage, we noted that God’s blessing comes only by that grace in Christ which is unstoppable, unassistable, unimprovable, and unfakeable.

We also here have a glimpse of how God’s grace in Christ is unlosable.

Isaac’s sin against God is great. He directly goes against God’s Word. We all know who Esau is, so when Genesis 27:1 says, “his older son,” it reminds us that this is directly against the words of Yahweh in Genesis 25:23, “the older shall serve the younger.”

Indeed in Genesis 27:29 when Isaac thinks that he is blessing Esau, he seems to have this directly in mind when he says, “Be master over your brethren, and let your mother’s sons bow down to you.”
This is a shocking rebellion from a man who had begun so well!

But what is more shocking is God’s grace to him. Through Rebekah’s new plan to send Jacob out of Esau’s reach, God gives His sinning servant another chance to bless his son. Isaac has not lost his redemption, because that is something that is planned in Christ and secured in Christ, and can never be lost.

But God’s unlosable grace also super abounds to give him another opportunity to serve the Lord conscientiously in the blessing of his younger son. This time, Isaac’s focus is not on reversing God’s words in Genesis 25, but in reinforcing God’s words in the blessing of Abraham. And God heard him, and fulfilled that blessing in bringing Christ into the world!

How marvelous is our God! Not only is His grace unlosable, because it is in Christ; but, He often gives us second and third and fifty-sixth chances to serve Him, as we repent from our blackslidings into sin!

When you see your sin, cling to Christ, in whom God’s blessing by grace is unlosable. And, coming in repentance, seek from this God of grace that He might yet use you in His mission to bring His redemption in Christ to all to whom it belongs!
How have you stumbled? Did you repent? What new opportunity do you have to serve?
Suggested songs: ARP51A “God, Be Merciful to Me” or TPH51C “God, Be Merciful to Me”

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