Friday, June 19, 2020

2020.06.19 Hopewell @Home ▫ Luke 6:12–19

Questions from the Scripture text: Where did Jesus go in Luke 6:12? To do what? For how long? Whom did He call to Himself when day came (Luke 6:13)? How many did He choose from among them? What did He call them? What are the names of these apostles (Luke 6:14-16)? Whom does verse 16 last name? What did he become? Then what did Jesus do with these 12 (Luke 6:17)? Who else were with them (Luke 6:17-18)? And what happened to them? What was the whole multitude trying to do (Luke 6:19)? Why? 
Our Lord Jesus here shows Himself to be our Model, our Master, and our Means.

The Lord Jesus is our Model. Though He is God, with both a fully human nature and also a gully divine nature, He is not presumptuous or proud in His humanity.

Behold what He does, as He is about to begin His church in earnest, selecting from among His disciples those whom He will call to be the apostles that are the foundation (layers) of His church.

Surely He is God. Surely, His choice cannot ultimately fail. And yet, He glorifies His Father by embracing the weakness and submission of His humanity, staying up all night in prayer. Now, it is against all reason to say that here the Spirit lays down a rule that we must always spend all night in prayer. Or, perhaps, that we must ever do so—though, surely, the church would be in a healthier place if it had men and women who did sometimes do so!

But, the Lord is an example to us of submission to God and dependence upon God, that all we do would be done with prayer for it, and the greater the duty before us, the more we should give ourselves to prayer for it. The Lord Jesus is our Model.

The Lord Jesus also shows Himself here to be our Master. It is He who chooses one disciple for one role, and not another for another role. Some complain that Christ has chosen only men for the offices of the church. But He is the Master, let Him choose whom He will! Will we also complain on behalf of all the men who are not chosen for their roles? God forbid!

He also asserts Himself over us by the title that He gave to their office: “apostles.” Sent ones. Emissaries who are so bound to His charge that they may only speak and act as He has given them to do, and their speech and actions in their office are received as if Christ Himself has done it. The Lord Jesus is our Master.

Finally, the Lord Jesus shows Himself here to be our Means. There are all manner of people, from all manner of places, with all manner of needs. Regardless of the type of person, Christ’s power is their answer. Regardless of where they are from, Christ’s power is their answer. Regardless of the type of need, Christ’s power is their answer.

Christ Himself is the means by which Christians live the Christian life. It is the power that goes out from Him that the Spirit is applying, as He grows us (and uses us) by the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ!

If it seems “over spiritual” to us to spend much time in prayer, let us shut our mouths about it and look to Him instead. Christ is our Model.

If our role in the church or in our family in this season of our life seems either overwhelming or inglorious, let us shut our mouths about it and look to Him instead. Christ is our Master.

And if we are tempted to go our own way—underemphasizing consistency and sincerity in the means of grace or even acting as free agents from His church and His officers—then let us arrest ourselves and come back to that which He has appointed. Christ Himself is the only Means by which we can live the Christian life.
What is your calling right now in your home? What is your calling right now in the church? How is Christ your Model, Master, and Means in those callings?
Suggested songs: ARP131 “My Heart Is Not Exalted, Lord” or TPH284 “Ye Servants of God”

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