Hopewell Herald – August 1, 2020
Dear Congregation,
Everyone whom the Lord saves, He brings
to the point where they see that Jesus has a way of saving them, and that it is
the only way of being saved.
In our Ephesians passages for the next
several weeks, we will see that Jesus has a way of keeping us in ministry-shape,
a way of building His church, a way of unifying His church, a way of making us
know Himself, a way of maturing us, a way of filling us with Himself.
For some of us who walked for some time
with the Lord before we learned that He defines ministry, unity, and maturity,
this realization was a significant moment in our Christian life—not unlike some
who have walked for some time with Him before embracing the doctrines of
sovereign grace or before coming to understand the church covenantally or
before coming to understand union with Christ.
So, I’m eager for us to be hearing these
afternoon texts together and hope that you’ll be praying with me that by God’s
helping me preach and all of us to hear, that He will bring us into the
enjoyment of those glorious results that He describes in these passages.
Looking forward to His ministry among us
in the means of grace tomorrow,
LORD'S DAY – August 2,
9:50 a.m. Breakfast
Line Opens
10 a.m. Sabbath
This week, we’re beginning a series on
topics related to important issues that people around us are talking much about
right now, continuing this week to study what Holy Scripture teaches us
about “Racial Reconciliation.” (This week’s subtopic is loving our enemies)
11 a.m. Public Worship
▫Shorter Catechism
for Aug 2
Q48. What are we specially taught by these words before me in the first commandment? A. These words before me in the first commandment teach us that God, who seeth all things, taketh notice of, and is much displeased with, the sin of having any other god.
Q48. What are we specially taught by these words before me in the first commandment? A. These words before me in the first commandment teach us that God, who seeth all things, taketh notice of, and is much displeased with, the sin of having any other god.
Psalms and Hymns
Scripture Text for first portion of
worship service
Scripture Readings
Sermon Scripture text and topic
We will be hearing from Genesis 31:1–16 about how God reveals to Jacob that He
has seen all that has been done to him, and has been working it for good. Thus,
He calls His own back to a life of faith in Him, clinging to Him and His
promises in Christ.
1 p.m. Coffee
Fellowship and Catechism Class
1:15 p.m. Fellowship
Lunch & Open Mic Time
Members are encouraged to bring at
least 20% more than their own family would eat, so that there
will be plenty for everyone, including any members or guests who are
deciding last-minute whether or not to stay.
At open mic time, we’ll begin with
birthdays and anniversaries and recitations of the memory verse:
(Genesis 31:3) Then the LORD said to Jacob, “Return to the land of your fathers and to your family, and I will be with you.”
(Genesis 31:3) Then the LORD said to Jacob, “Return to the land of your fathers and to your family, and I will be with you.”
2:45 p.m Psalm/hymn
Carryover song requests from last week:
Carryover song requests from last week:
Blue: 1, 32AB, 89A, 119S
Red(h): 375, 463, 275, 277,
174, 476, 230
(if you wish to
make this week’s requests in advance, please feel free to reply to this email,
and let me know!)
Hopewell this Month
Presbytery Prayer Focus for July:
ARP in Oak Hill, AL
Psalm of the Month
ARP34C O Sons and Daughters,
Upcoming Events
•August 5, Prayer Meeting, 6:30 p.m.
•August 10, Monthly Session Meeting, 6 p.m.
•August 15, Men’s Breakfast, 6:30 a.m.
•August 30, Sermon to “launch” class series on delighted consecration of
the Lord’s holy day
•September 13, Lord’s Day series begins in the Sabbath School
•October 2-4,
HARPC 200th Anniversary Celebration
Congregational Prayer Requests
(new/updates in bold)
▪ Pray with the Reformed sidewalk-counseling group @PP in
Nashville for their Tuesday and Thursday ministries. (ongoing) For
abortionist Kimberly Looney whose heart is so heard that she continues despite
having recently birthed her own child; (7/21) PRAISE that it was a “slow”
murder-day; pray for delivery person who wouldn’t stop to talk and building
staff with an infant child who heard gospel pleading; (7/23) pray for Meagan
who is being pressured into murder, multiple people who committed murder
including Mario and his girl, and Natasha who appeared to have been trafficked;
(7/28) PRAISE for young couple that chose to go to Hope Clinic instead; pray
for Cody who is repenting from abortion when he and gf were 13; (7/30) pray for
Katalina, who seems to have gone through with murdering her baby, after hearing
the truth and wavering
▪ Early Rain Covenant Reformed Presbyterian Church,
Christians in Nigeria, and other persecuted churches like them; Pastor Wang Yi
in prison.
▪ Alan McClelland and family in his
ministry at Ft. Campbell
▪ Repentance of the Church and the
Nations for general rejection of the Kingship of Christ
▪ Comfort and provision for the LeeAnn Billings
family as they grieve, and as they complete quarantine, after being exposed
to covid at the orthodontist; PRAISE that hours have increased, pray for board
meeting decision next week about making her FT
▪ Pray for the Jeffers family, whose
granddaughter Isabelle (14) and then her mother Norma both attempted suicide; there’s
a long way to go medically, financially, and especially spiritually for all
involved; please keep praying for them and for Sue’s ministry to them
▪ Pray for Rebecca Sterling, whose
condition seems to be deteriorating again, and who would like to not end up
back in the nursing home
▪ Pray with D&L L for her 85yo
mother and her heart issues
▪ Pray with P&D W for his mom who
fell, and for her precarious situation living alone in Tulsa
▪ Pray with S&D B for Andrew to be
able to wean off the medicine well
▪ Pray with S&D B and D&D R for
Doug and Dianne’s oldest son Dave. He is not a believer, and is homeless and in
▪ Pray with KC for her acquaintance Linda who doesn’t seem to know the Lord, and just
lost 21 year old son; and, for her dear friends who need to live a life of
faith and devotion to the Lord; and for friend Patty, a believer, that she will
continue to do well after treatment for uterine cancer
▪ Pray with D&M G that her mother
would continue healing well and not smoking; for Sean; for Jeremiah and
▪ Pray with W&C G for her mother’s
health and caregivers; and for spiritual (and total) well-being of son Greg
▪ Pray with J&H H for his father’s cancer; for sweetness
in his parents’ remaining time together; for his youngest brother, and the same
brother’s son (with CP, and recovering from hip surgery) and daughter
▪ Pray with R&M J for Meredith, young daughter of M’s college
friend Ashely (and husband Brad), who’s taking medicine to shrink her brain
tumor; and for Meredeth and baby, due in January
▪ Pray with O&A L for her unbelieving mother w/heart
condition, and her family’s grieving over her brother
▪ Pray with C&T P for her dad and family in the loss of his wife
▪ Pray with AR for friend Caleb Figura w/mysterious but
debilitating gut illness
▪ Pray with D&K R for their family’s growth in godliness,
especially dying to self, godly speech, and Lord’s Day keeping; and for local pastor/constable
Darryl Thrasher, who has an aggressive, malignant brain tumor; and for
secretary Sarah, an unbeliever who has had cancer before, and had a surgical
consult on 7/23 for two new abdominal tumors
▪ Pray with GR for friend Abby to come to faith in Christ
▪ Pray with JeR for believing friend Jeanette Cary’s CHF,
Fibromyalgia, & slow-healing wound
▪ Pray with J&M R for baby Bentley and his adoption process
▪ Pray with J&S R for the situation with his work furlough; her
nephew, who needs life in Christ; and for her and her family in the loss of her
father, especially spiritual impact on her sisters and nephews; for his whole
family, and especially his mother, as they grieve the passing away of his
father; and sister Kathy, who just lost her husband; and for Celeste and her
ministry to her professing friend who has decided that homosexuality isn’t
▪ Pray with S&V Y for his parents and siblings as they deal
with his father’s declining health and his mother’s dementia; and for her niece
Carina and her husband Luke and their newborn daughter Callaway who was born
with an acidemia and is recovering from an extended period of high ammonia in
her blood
▪ Please pray with Bethel ARP in Oak Hill, AL, throughout the
month of August
▪ Please pray for the TN-AL Presbytery to be enabled to plant a
faithful church with the resources available and earmarked for that purpose
▪ Please pray for all ARP presbyteries,
churches, and agencies
▪ Please pray for our nation, state,
community and all the officials thereof
Prayer, with thanksgiving, being one
special part of religious worship, is by God required of all men: and, that it
may be accepted, it is to be made in the name of the Son, by the help of his
Spirit, according to his will, with understanding, reverence, humility,
fervency, faith, love, and perseverance; and, if vocal, in a known tongue. (WCF
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