Read 1 Samuel 19
Questions from the Scripture text: What did Saul say to whom in 1 Samuel 19:1? Why was this a problem for Jonathan (cf. 1 Samuel 18:1–3)? Whom did Jonathan tell what in 1 Samuel 19:2? What plan does he tell David in 1 Samuel 19:3? About whom does Jonathan speak, to whom, and in what way in 1 Samuel 19:4? What points does he make in 1 Samuel 19:4-5? How does Saul initially respond (1 Samuel 19:6)? What does Jonathan do with David in 1 Samuel 19:7? What does he go out to do, when, in 1 Samuel 19:8? What happens to Saul in 1 Samuel 19:9, and what does David do? What effect was this originally supposed to have (cf. 1 Samuel 16:14–23)? But what has been the result recently (cf. 1 Samuel 18:10–11)? What is the result this time (v10)? What does David do? And what does Saul then do in 1 Samuel 19:11? Who warns David? What else does she do for him (1 Samuel 19:12-13)? What does she say to the messengers (1 Samuel 19:14)? What does Saul think this sickness is an opportunity to do (1 Samuel 19:15)? But what do the messengers find in the bed (1 Samuel 19:16)? What does Saul ask in 1 Samuel 19:17? How does she answer? Where does David go in 1 Samuel 19:18? To whom? What does he tell him? Who finds out about David’s location (1 Samuel 19:19)? What happens to the first group of messengers that Saul sends to Ramah (1 Samuel 19:20)? What happens to the second and third groups (1 Samuel 19:21)? Who goes in 1 Samuel 19:22? What happens to him (1 Samuel 19:23)? What does the prophesying involve this time, in his case (1 Samuel 19:24)?
One of the tensions that is going to build in 1 Kings-2 Kings is the power of the prophet vs. the power of the throne. Wicked kings will resist God’s Word in the mouths of righteous prophets. Who will prevail? We know how that ends.
That tension is also the main theme of 1 Samuel 19.
God’s Word determines what happens in the present and future. He has declared Saul to be rejected as king (1 Samuel 15) and anointed David to be selected as king (1 Samuel 16:1–13). God’s Word still does the same for believers, because they have been called according to His purpose (cf. Romans 8:28).
But God’s Word is also in immediate control of every single detail. If God’s Word wants to take over a messenger, or a group of them, or three groups of them, it will take them all over. And even the king, in all of his fury, is powerless to resist of the Word of God takes him over. The naked pile of prophesying king testifies to this in 24 hours. There is no man to fear for those who fear God. He has absolute power over them.
Dear believer, the will that is determined to work all things together for your good is the will that continually rules and overrules what even the most powerful and most wicked do. That is great comfort in a world where many are very wicked, and many seem to be very powerful.
What wicked and powerful people seem to be a threat to you? What can they do to you?
Suggested songs: ARP46 “God Is Our Refuge” or TPH515 “More Than Conquerors”
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