Read Psalm 72:12–19
Questions from the Scripture text: Whom will the Messianic King deliver (Psalm 72:12)? When? What two other groups will He deliver? Whom will He spare (Psalm 72:13a)? What will He do to their souls (verse 13b)? What will He do to their life (Psalm 72:14)? What will be precious in His sight? What will characterize Him (Psalm 72:15a, cf. Hebrews 7:8)? What will be given to Him? What will be made for Him? What will happen daily? What will there be (Psalm 72:16)? In what places? What will continue forever (Psalm 72:17)? What will it outlive? By what will men bless? Who will call Him blessed? Whom does Psalm 72:18 bless for this King? What kind of thing does it call His kingship (verse 18b)? How long and wide and rich is His glory (Psalm 72:19)?
Next week’s Call to Worship, Prayer for Help, Song of Adoration, and Prayer of Confession all come from Psalm 72:12–19, so that we will see that we are singing God’s thoughts after Him with Jesus Shall Reign.
Although, as the Psalms are arranged in our Bibles, this one comes fairly early on, it is worth recognizing that Psalm 72:20 causes us to consider it a great climax in the Psalter, and that Psalm 72:18-19 causes us to consider its subject matter to be the wondrous things that only Yahweh God can do, and that are the greatest cause of His being glorified forever and filling the earth with His glory.
So, pretty quickly, we’ve moved beyond the possibility that this is Solomon praying, “Dear Lord, help me to be a good king.” He’s not just praying for a kingly son of David. He’s praying for “The” Kingly Son of David.
Whose rule would be not just over Israel, but over the whole earth. And who would not just reign for a good long while, but forever and ever. And not only over men, but over all of creation in such a way that it actually undoes the Fall—for mountains and hills, but also for the interaction of people during His reign. He would ultimately raise up the poor and oppressed and needy, and bring down all oppressors.
Bringing down oppressors is a duty of all kings, of all those in authority within their domains. But raising up all the poor and needy is an impossibility unless the fall itself is undone. Jesus Himself said, “the poor you will always have with you.”
But undoing the fall is exactly what this King will do. Psalm 72:9 tells us that this is the serpent’s-head-crusher that this Psalm is talking about. The One before whom the serpent would go on his belly. The One before whom the serpent would eat dust all his days.
This Psalm is about Jesus, our forever King whose salvation is God’s most wondrous work! So, authorities ought not only seek to administer justly in their sphere, but bring the gospel to all who are entrusted to them, praying with them for Christ’s ultimate kingdom fully to come.
If we are genuinely longing and praying in anticipation of the ultimate reign of King Jesus, we can do so with confidence and joy, since it is absolutely sure to come. Not only is it the ultimate plan of God for this world (cf. Psalm 2), but we now live in that age in which the resurrected King sits already on the throne of heaven. So, whether in authority (and all of us are under it!) or not, let us joyously serve and trust King Jesus, while His kingdom hastens to come.
What result of this Psalm hasn’t come yet? How are you praying and working for it? Rejoicing over it?
Suggested songs: ARP180 “Christ Shall Have Dominion” or TPH417 “Jesus Shall Reign Where’er the Sun”
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