Read Psalm 73
Questions from the Scripture text: How does the Psalm summarize its teaching in Psalm 73:1? But what does the Psalmist immediately admit about himself, concerning faith in God’s goodness, in Psalm 73:2? What are some things that he had noticed about the wicked in Psalm 73:3-12? What did he conclude about himself and his godliness in Psalm 73:13? What circumstance from Psalm 73:14 had led him to decide that there was no point in being godly? But what would he have done if he had spoken like that out loud (Psalm 73:15)? When he tried to figure this out, what happened (Psalm 73:16)? What ended up making the difference (Psalm 73:17)? Whose end does he understand in Psalm 73:17-20? What does he conclude had been his problem in Psalm 73:21-22? Who is always with him (Psalm 73:23)? Who will receive him into glory (Psalm 73:24)? Whose end is he learning about now? What does that teach him about what to value in Psalm 73:25? What does that teach him about whom to depend upon in Psalm 73:26? What will happen to those who are far from God (Psalm 73:27)? What is good in Psalm 73:28? What is the ultimate purpose of trusting in the Lord in verse 28?
Next week’s Call to Worship, Prayer for Help, Song of Adoration, and Prayer of Confession all come from Psalm 73, so that we will see that we are singing God’s thoughts after Him with Be Thou My Vision. Here, we learn one of the great benefits of true worship: it teaches us what a true life of thanksgiving looks like.
It looks like remembering what our end could have been (losing everything we have on earth, and falling into destruction as we are condemned by God). It looks like remembering what our end is instead (enjoying the glorious holiness of God forever and ever). It looks like realizing that we have, now already, Him who is the heavenliness of heaven. We are continually with Him! It is He who holds us by our right hand! It is He who guides us with His counsel! Who is He? The glorious One who will receive us into His own glory.
It looks like concluding that if we have Him, we have already, now, in heaven and earth, more property than we could ever hope to desire. God is our portion forever. It looks like concluding that if we have Him, we have already, now, more power than we could ever fear to need. God is the strength of our heart.
Is God near to us? Then we have not kept our hands clean in vain. Are we far from God? Then we are on the cusp of eternal destruction. Why have we trusted in God? Not so that we can get all the other earthly stuff that we love, but so that we can realize and tell all that God is more glorious and worthy than all else combined!
What trials do you have right now? What earthly things do you desire? How does God compare? How has your life been showing a desire to tell others His praise?
Suggested songs: ARP73C “Yet Constantly, I Am with You” or TPH446 “Be Thou My Vision”
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