Friday, June 11, 2021

2021.06.11 Hopewell @Home ▫ Philippians 3:12–14

Read Philippians 3:12–14

Questions from the Scripture text: What hasn’t the apostle already done (Philippians 3:12)? What hasn’t already been done to him? So what does he do? In order to lay hold of what? What doesn’t he count himself to have done (Philippians 3:13)? Upon how many things does he focus? What does he forget? In order to reach for what? Toward what does he press (Philippians 3:14)? What is the prize? 

What do we do if only Christ will satisfy us? We keep running until we have completed making Him our own. And we are encouraged to do so, because He has completed making us His own. He completed purchasing us by His blood on the cross, and the moment He unites us to Himself by bringing us to faith, we are as justified as we will ever be (end of Philippians 3:12).

This is the great difference between a believer and a legalist. Those against whom Paul had warned them in Philippians 3:2 were satisfied with themselves. But the apostle is not satisfied with Himself (Philippians 3:12a, Philippians 3:13a), and in verse 13 he adds the word “brethren” to this statement. Here is no self-satisfied legalist telling others how they can be as satisfying as he is. 

No, for the believer, the best is out in front of us. The past was God’s good means of getting us where we are, but neither the past nor the present are to be compared to where we shall be. What would we think of a man who ran a really good half race, and then stopped to admire how well he had done? No, his goal is at the end of the race, and until he gets there that’s where his eyes, his thoughts, his efforts are focused.

Already, he has found Christ satisfying, and so long as he can be more satisfied with Christ, he will press forward to that. So, he urges his beloved brethren to come along with him, to be satisfied not with him nor with themselves, but only with Christ!

Whom do you know that finds Christ satisfying and wants to find Him more satisfying? Whom do you know that is pretty satisfied with himself and thinks everyone else should be like him? Into which one of these categories do you think those who know you would place you?

Suggested songs: ARP32AB “What Blessedness” or TPH508 “Jesus, Priceless Treasure” 

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