Tuesday, August 03, 2021

2021.08.03 Hopewell @Home ▫ Psalm 25:1–9

Read Psalm 25:1–9

Questions from the Scripture text: To whom does David lift what (Psalm 25:1)? What does he call Yahweh in Psalm 25:2? What does he declare toward God? What does he ask concerning himself? What does he ask concerning his enemies? What does he ask concerning others who wait upon the Lord (Psalm 25:3)? Whom does he ask God to put to shame? What does he ask of the Lord in Psalm 25:4a? And in verse 4b? And what two things in Psalm 25:5a? What does he call Yahweh in verse 5b? What does he say that he does to Yahweh in verse 5c? What does he ask Yahweh to remember in Psalm 25:6? What reason does he give? What things are very serious, but not as old (Psalm 25:7a)? What doesn’t he want God to remember? According to what, instead, would he like to be remembered (verse 7b)? For whose/what’s sake (verse 7c)? What does he say about the Lord in Psalm 25:8a? What does Yahweh do, as a result of this goodness and uprightness (verse 8b)? Whom does the Lord guide (Psalm 25:9a)? In what? Whom does He teach (verse 9b)? What does He teach them? What are His paths (Psalm 25:10a)? To whom (verse 10b)? To what motivation does Psalm 25:11a appeal? For what does verse 11b ask? What is it about David’s iniquity that he presents as a reason for Yahweh to pardon it?

Next week’s Call to Worship, Prayer for Help, Song of Adoration, and Prayer of Confession all come from Psalm 25:1–11, so that we will see that we are singing God’s thoughts after Him with Lord, I Lift My Soul to Thee. We don’t just need instruction in righteousness; we need to be made righteous; and, we need to be forgiven for it even to be right for us to be instructed in righteousness, or for it to be right for us to be made righteous.

The Lord’s Name is at stake in vindicating those who wait upon HimPsalm 25:1-3. David’s not just praying for himself as someone who waits upon Yahweh (Psalm 25:1-2Psalm 25:20-21) but for everyone who does (Psalm 25:3, cf. Psalm 25:22). The question is: in the end, who will be ashamed; who will be defeated and destroyed? If enemies end up triumphing over believers, it will bring shame upon God’s Name. 

We need to be taught and ledPsalm 25:4-5. David knows that in himself, he would bring dishonor upon his God not only from weakness but especially from wickedness. If he is to keep from doing so, he needs God not only to teach him by showing (Psalm 25:4) but by leading (Psalm 25:5). There is nowhere else to go for righteousness, so not only does he wait upon God, but he does so “all the day.” God is his only hope of salvation.

Therefore, we need to be forgivenPsalm 25:6-7. What can David plead before God as a reason that God would show him righteousness and lead him in righteousness? There is nothing good in David. He must instead plead something in God. God’s compassions. God’s lovingkindnesses. Those characteristics of God are “from ages”; He set them upon us from outside of time, and nothing in time can undo them. David’s sins and transgressions have been from his youth (Psalm 25:7a), so his request is to be remembered according to Yahweh’s steadfast love and goodness (verse 7b–c).

Hope in the Lord is well-placed, for He exalts Himself by pardoning sinnersPsalm 25:8-11. The Psalmist switches from second person “You/Your” to third person “He/His” as he goes from pleading with the Lord to declaring the Lord’s character. He is good and upright (Psalm 25:8a); His paths are steadfast love and faithfulness (Psalm 25:10a). So, we come to Him in submission and obedience—lowly as those who are needy and yielding to the Lord’s agenda, not proudly pursuing our own. It is sinners whom He teaches, the humble whom He guides, the humble whom He teaches.

Our temptation is to come to the Lord as if there is something special about us that demands His goodness. But it is not something about us, but something about Him. 

Our temptation is to cry, “Pardon my iniquity, for it is small.” But the fact of the matter is that our iniquity is very great. Yet, God exalts His character in pardoning sin; He pardons it for His Name’s sake (Psalm 25:11a). 

So, the greater the sin from which we turn to Him, and the greater the guilt which He overcomes, the greater is the praise that He receives by pardoning us. What a glorious, gracious God we have, with Whom “for it is great” is something upon which to plead “pardon my iniquity!”

Why should God forgive you? How can you be sure that your hope will not be put to shame?

 Suggested songs: ARP25A “To You I Lift My Soul” or TPH481 “Lord, I Lift My Soul to Thee”

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