Read Luke 22:54–65
Questions from the Scripture text: Where did they bring Jesus in Luke 22:54? Who followed at a distance? What had the mob done in Luke 22:55? Who sat down among them? Who saw him (Luke 22:56)? What did she do and say? What did Peter do and say in Luke 22:57? Who does what when in Luke 22:58a? What does Peter say (verse 58b)? About how long passes in Luke 22:59? Who does what with what words? What does Peter say in Luke 22:60? Then, what happens when? Who does what in Luke 22:61a? What does Peter remember (verse 61b)? What does Peter do in Luke 22:62? What four things do the men do to Jesus in Luke 22:63-64? What do they say to Him to do? What does Luke 22:65 add?
The Lord Jesus is our perfect Prophet. In Luke 22:34, He had told Peter that this would happen, and it was exactly as He had said. The wicked guards cry “Prophesy!” in Luke 22:64, but the irony is that it comes in the context of one of His very specific prophecies coming exactly true.
His Word is perfectly reliable! Never is this more important than in telling us about His own identity as the God-Man, His work in giving His life for us, and the certainty of the completion of our salvation in Him. Every proof of the reliability of His Word should stir up our confidence in these things.
The Lord Jesus is our perfect Intercessor. When the Lord looked at Peter (Luke 22:61a), you would think that look of love would send him running in, retracting his denials, eager to die with Christ. But, it was not time yet for Peter to be restored, and he instead goes outside and cries (Luke 22:62). Still, we know that this isn’t the end of Peter’s story, and that he will both return and then strengthen his brethren. How do we know? Christ has prayed for him (cf. Luke 22:32). Indeed, we can almost be certain that He is praying for him even with that look. We can even be certain, when we are failing Him, that He is at that moment praying for us (cf. Hebrews 7:25).
The Lord Jesus is our perfect Substitute. It seems unfair that Peter isn’t the one in there getting mocked and beaten in Luke 22:63-65. He deserves all that and worse! But isn’t that just the point? Jesus, the One Who is remaining faithful (cf. 1 Timothy 6:13, 1 Peter 2:22–24), is the One receiving the just desserts of wickedness. He saves a sinful people first and foremost by receiving what they deserve as their Substitute. The next day, being our Substitute will require that He endure the assault of God Himself. Amazing love, amazing grace, amazing salvation!
In what situation do you most need to remember a particular promise of Christ? What promise of His is most relevant to it? How does the timing of a rooster’s crow help you here? When you are in the midst of failing Jesus, what is He doing for you? What do you deserve? Who has received it? What won’t you receive if you are His? What will you receive instead?
Sample prayer: Our perfect Lord and Savior, You are worthy of all glory and honor and praise! Indeed, You deserve all blessing and blessedness. We deserve only wrath, and have often failed You and even mistreated You. But You have taken upon Yourself the wrath that we deserve, and You are praying for us on the basis of Your own worthiness for us. So, grant unto us to rest in You and rejoice over You, and finish that work of making us like Yourself so that we will then perfectly glorify You and fully enjoy You forever, which we ask in Your Name, AMEN!
Suggested songs: ARP22A “My God, My God” or TPH274 “Jesus, My Great High Priest”
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