Read 2 Samuel 22:47–51
Questions from the Scripture text: What does Yahweh do (2 Samuel 22:47a)? What does David call Him in verse 47b? Whose Rock? For what response does He call (verse 47c)? What does David call Him now in verse 47d? What does God do for him (2 Samuel 22:48a)? What else, to whom, under whom (verse 48b)? What else does the Lord do for David (2 Samuel 22:49a)? And what else (verse 49b)? What else has He done (verse 49c)? What will David therefore do (2 Samuel 22:50a)? Among whom? What will he do in this thanksgiving (verse 50b)? What is God in 2 Samuel 22:51a? What does He do in verse 51b? To whom (verse 51c)?
As this Psalm closes by a crescendo of praise, it shows itself overtly Messianic. Romans 15:9 quotes 2 Samuel 22:50 as a reference to how Jesus Christ has welcomed Gentiles to Himself to lead them in praising and thanking God.
We’ve spent much of the “David narrative” in 2 Samuel realizing how much we need a greater/forever King as was promised back in chapter 7. But we’ve also spent much of it observing the great mercy and power of God, Who is a refuge to His people. Now, those things converge at the end of this Psalm as it focuses upon Christ. In Him, the living God is our Rock and Salvation (2 Samuel 22:47).
One of the acts of obedience that the Lord Jesus offered in our behalf during His trial was entrusting Himself to Him Who judges justly (cf. 1 Peter 2:23), and we see the mindset of God’s perfected Anointed (Messiah) in 2 Samuel 22:48a. “It is God Who avenges Me!” Not only does He entrust Himself out of confidence in being delivered, but also out of a desire that God would be glorified as His avenger. Just as God has promised in Psalm 2, so now here in verse 48b, the King is confident that the peoples will be subdued under Him.
As we follow Christ in suffering like He, we learn from this section of 2 Samuel 22 how crucial it is to have a love for God’s glory. He is glorified as our Avenger. He is glorified in lifting us up and delivering us from the violent man. Only let us remember that for Christ, this was ultimately true in His resurrection, ascension, and everlasting reign. And, for many believers, their overcoming by the blood of the Lamb and the word of His testimony comes through their not loving their lives even unto death. But God is glorified by raising us up from and delivering us from all of these things. Let us love His glory.
Of course, there is an even more direct response of love for His glory than suffering well for it. And that is to gather with others who love His glory and offer thanksgiving and singing of praise. Romans 15:9’s application of 2 Samuel 22:50 (Psalm 18:49) is reminiscent of Hebrews 2:12’s application of Psalm 22:22. We see that it is a common biblical theme that one of the great joys of Christ to lead people whom He has redeemed from all the nations to be His brethren, as He praises God.
Ultimately, our worship centers not only upon Who God is in what He has done for us, but especially upon Who God is in what He has done for Christ. Christ is the King of 2 Samuel 22:51a. Christ is the Anointed (Messiah/Christ) Who has been shown covenant love in verse 51b. Christ is the Seed (singular in the Hebrew! cf. Galatians 3:16). One of the great and remaining take-aways from the David narrative is to rejoice in what God has done both through and for His Anointed King.
Where does your love for God’s glory show up in your suffering? In your daily and weekly habits? In your desires and enjoyments? How is an increasing love for Christ and identification with Him shaping the way you think about life? About worship?
Sample prayer: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we thank You for Christ’s perfect trusting of You and love for Your glory. Our only hope for righteousness is that You count this for us together with all of His obedience and atonement. And we praise You that You perfectly avenge and enthrone Him in covenant love. Make us love Your worship as He does, as we offer You thanksgiving and praise through Him, together with this and all of our prayers, now and forever, AMEN!
Suggested songs: ARP2 “Why Do Gentile Nations Rage?” or TPH374 “All Hail the Power of Jesus’s Name”
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