Tuesday, October 19, 2021

2021.10.19 Hopewell @Home ▫ 2 Timothy 1:8–12

Read 2 Timothy 1:8–12

Questions from the Scripture text: What is Timothy not to be (2 Timothy 1:8)? Not of what? Not of whom? As what does the apostle describe himself? In what does he tell Timothy to share? According to what power would he be able to share in this suffering? What two things has God done to us (2 Timothy 1:9)? With what kind of calling has He called us? Not according to what, but according to what two things instead? In Whom was this grace given? When? When was this grace revealed (2 Timothy 1:10)? How? What did He do to death? What has He brought to light? Through what? What three things was Paul appointed to be to this gospel (2 Timothy 1:11)? What did this triple appointment require him to do (2 Timothy 1:12)? Nevertheless, how hasn’t he responded? What not—what two ways has he responded to the doctrine in this verse? What will Jesus Christ keep? Until when?

Next week’s Call to Worship, Prayer for Help, Song of Adoration, and Prayer of Confession all come from 2 Timothy 1:8–12, so that we will see that we are singing God’s thoughts after Him with I Know Whom I Have Believed

Timothy is going to suffer in the ministry, and the apostle wants him to be able to do so without embarrassment or encouragement. 

Paul tells Timothy not to be ashamed (2 Timothy 1:8a), just as Paul is not ashamed (2 Timothy 1:12b). 

Paul tells Timothy to share with him in suffering for the gospel (2 Timothy 1:8b), just as for the sake of being a preacher/apostle/teacher of the gospel (2 Timothy 1:11), Paul suffers (2 Timothy 1:12a).

For the Christian, the gospel is worth suffering for.  The gospel has secured the hope not only of those to whom he ministers to, but of the minister himself. A truly effective minister is one who can proclaim the goodness of the Scriptural gospel because he knows the goodness of the Scriptural gospel from profound life experience. This goodness Paul knew.

When you belong to God through the gospel, it is His power that enables you to share in suffering (2 Timothy 1:8c).

The gospel is not about “how to get saved” but about the God “Who has saved us” (2 Timothy 1:9a). 

Whomever God saves through the gospel God also calls with a holy calling (verse 9b).

This calling is not one that comes to us through anything we do, but through something that God has purposed this grace in Christ (verse 9c), long before we did anything. Indeed, before time began (verse 9d). 

What appeared in Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection (2 Timothy 1:10a) was planned before time began. It is impossible that those He came to save should end up dead (verse 10b) and absolutely certain that they should have true life (verse 10c) and immortality (verse 10d). 

The blessings of the gospel are secured by the eternal purpose and power of God. He planned it before the world began. He carries it out. This is why the apostle is not ashamed: “I know Whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able.” Paul’s certainty comes from the character of the God who purposed and the power of the God who carries it out. The day of glory is planned and certain.

What the apostle was sure of, and what he wanted Timothy to be sure of, is the same thing that you must be sure of, dear believer. What can suffering take from someone who has the hope of this gospel? If you have committed yourself into His care, then your everlasting blessedness is as sure as the purpose and power of God!

In what ways are you currently suffering? Which of them can undo the purpose of God? Which can overcome His power? If you’re a believer, why has God done this for you?

Sample prayer:  Lord, You are full of grace, loving from before time began and not doing according to our works but according to Christ’s worthiness. You are full of wisdom, purposing and planning all things well. You are full of power—stronger than death, able to give life and immortality, able to keep what we’ve committed unto You. Forgive us for when we are embarrassed or discouraged by our suffering, and grant unto us to live from the confidence of knowing You. This we ask in Your merciful, powerful Name, Jesus Christ, AMEN! 

Suggested songs: ARP73C “Yet Constantly, I Am with You” or TPH517“I Know Whom I Have Believed”

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