Friday, November 26, 2021

2021.11.26 Hopewell @Home ▫ 2 Samuel 24:17–25

Read 2 Samuel 24:17–25 

Questions from the Scripture text: To whom did David speak (2 Samuel 24:17)? Whom had he seen? Doing what? What two things does David say about himself? What does he call the people? What does he ask about them? What request does David make? What two objects does he ask that Yahweh’s hand be against? How is the latter ultimately true? Through whom does God respond (2 Samuel 24:18)? Where does he tell David to go? What does he say to set up there? Unto Whom? According to what does David respond (2 Samuel 24:19)? But Who has commanded it? In 2 Samuel 24:20, who “looks”? Whom does he see doing what? Where does Araunah go? What does he do? Before whom? To what extent? What does Araunah ask (2 Samuel 24:21)? What does David say he wants to buy from Araunah? In order to build what? For what outcome? But how does Araunah preface his offer (2 Samuel 24:22)? What three additional things does he offer? At what cost does Araunah offer all of this (2 Samuel 24:23a)? And what is his desire in offering these things (verse 23b)? What does the king insist that he will do (2 Samuel 24:24a)? What does the king insist that he will not do (verse 24b)? What does David buy from Araunah at what price? What does David build (2 Samuel 24:25)? What does he offer? What does Yahweh heed? What happens in response? 

The LORD has already stopped the plague, and now He allows David to see the Angel. The one through whom the LORD had begun to chasten Israel (cf. 2 Samuel 24:1) now becomes the mediator for Israel. We never were able to answer the question in 2 Samuel 24:17, “what have they done?” Surely, Israel had done wickedly, despite David’s question. But his request would be answered. 

The LORD’s hand would indeed be against David’s Seed, the Lord Jesus Christ. God’s immediate response is to send Gad the prophet (2 Samuel 24:18) with instruction to erect an altar. We see a little here about the inspiration of Scripture. The words come out of Gad’s mouth (2 Samuel 24:19a), but it is the command of Yahweh (verse 19b). 

David wants to buy the threshing floor (2 Samuel 24:21). Araunah wants to give him more (2 Samuel 24:22a) but free of cost (verse 22b). But David refuses to offer a burnt offering that costs him nothing (2 Samuel 24:24). On the one hand, this reflects the marvelous costliness at which the LORD purchases the salvation to which that sacrifice points. On the other hand, we are reminded that the sacrifice that cost Christ everything must by necessity cost us nothing. 

Looking forward to Christ, David’s sacrifices are accepted (2 Samuel 24:25), and salvation comes not just to Israelites but to foreigners who have been joined to Israel. Foreigners like a Jebusite, whose land the LORD specifically chose for this sacrifice (2 Samuel 24:18). A foreigner who received the king of Israel as his own king (2 Samuel 24:20-21). A foreigner who was willing to give all that he has to the LORD for the LORD’s cause (2 Samuel 24:22-23a). A foreigner whose hope was in the LORD accepting Israel’s mediator (verse 23b).The LORD’s Christ still receives foreigners as subjects and mediates for them as Priest. 

Christ gave a sacrifice, at infinite price. He atoned for sin, turned away God’s wrath, and is gathering to Himself subjects whom He redeems from all the nations. 

What has God paid for your forgiveness? What can you pay for it? But how much should you be willing to give in response to that? What is a specific way you can go about doing that? 

Sample prayer: O Lord, truly we have done wickedly, and yet You have chosen us in Christ to be Your sheep. Against Yourself, You have taken the penalty for our sin. Forgive us for when we think we could ever participate in making up for our sin—or when we are unwilling to deny ourselves and offer our bodies as living sacrifices in response to Your mercy. Help us, we pray, to be Christ’s glad subjects, which we ask through HIM, AMEN! 

Suggested songs: ARP32AB “What Blessedness” or TPH354“Not All the Blood of Beasts”

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