Questions from the Scripture text: To what are to give our ears and incline them (Psalm 78:1)? What will we be told (Psalm 78:2)? Where have we heard this (Psalm 78:3)? Whom will we tell (Psalm 78:4)? What will we tell? What has God established and where (Psalm 78:5)? What did He command our fathers to do? To whom else would this be communicated (Psalm 78:6)? What are the three parts of the application of this teaching (Psalm 78:7)? What had previous generations not done (Psalm 78:8)?
Next week’s Call to Worship, Prayer for Help, and first song all come from Psalm 78:1–8 so that we will see that we are singing God’s thoughts after Him with Let Children Hear the Mighty Deeds.
From this Scripture, we learned God’s plan for the reformation and preservation of His church: one generation teaching another generation of generation-teachers—all of whom put that teaching into practice.
Of course, teaching begins with your ears. You can’t teach what you haven’t studied. In our flesh and our folly, we would like to skip to faith, worship, and obedience. But, the Lord’s plan for us and assignment to us begins with our minds. Listen and learn. We cannot teach the next generation until we have learned from the previous one.
What are we to learn in order to teach? The Lord’s testimonies and laws. His teachings and His commands. The Scriptures principally teach what man is to believe concerning God and what duty God requires of man.
There are three primary responses to this knowledge:
Faith. “That they may set their hope in God.” One generation doesn’t just teach the other. They put their hope in God, training the next generation by example as well.
Worship. “And not forget the works of God.” Worship is the first part of faith. We fall at His feet saying, “My Lord and my God.” We don’t forget His works, but rather acknowledge and praise Him.
Obedience. “But keep His commandments.” Obedience is worship in action in the life. Having acknowledged the Lord as God, we give up our right to ourselves and live according to whatever He says.
In what situations are you listening to God’s Word? In what situations are you teaching God’s Word? What place does worship have in each of your days? In each of your weeks? What difference does it make daily that you are living a life of obedience?
Sample prayer: Lord, You are our forgiving, sanctifying God. And we look to You for revival and reformation in our own lives and in the church. But, we often fail to devote ourselves to Your Word, or subsequently to hope in You by those words, to worship You for those words, and to obey You and Your words. Forgive us and cleanse us through Christ, we ask in His Name, AMEN!
Suggested songs: ARP78A “O Come, My People” or TPH549 “Let Children Hear the Mighty Deeds”
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