Read Psalm 65:1–7
Questions from the Scripture text: To whom was this Psalm entrusted (superscript)? Who penned it? Who classed it as a spiritual song? What awaits Whom (Psalm 65:1a)? Where? What kind of promise has been made about it (verse 1b)? How is God identified in Psalm 65:2a? Who will come to Him (verse 2b)? In what danger does David find himself (Psalm 65:3a)? What solution is there for this danger (verse 3b)? What is the condition of this atoned for man, and how did he come to be in it (Psalm 65:4a)? What does God do for the one that He chooses (verse 4b)? With what end result: what location (verse 4c, e), with what benefit from what provision (verse 4d)? How will God answer faith (Psalm 65:5a)? What does verse 5b call Him? Of whom is He the confidence (verse 5c–d)? What else has He done in strength (Psalm 65:6a)? To show what about Himself (verse 6b)? What else does He still/calm (Psalm 65:7a–b, cf. Matthew 8:27; Mark 4:41; Luke 8:25)? As a sign that He will still/calm what (Psalm 65:7c)?
Who is Jesus? Psalm 65:1–7 looks forward to the opening portion of morning public worship on the coming Lord’s Day. In these seven verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that Jesus is the prayer-hearing, atoning, electing, regenerating, satisfying, saving, almighty God Who created the mountains and calms the seas.
Something that struck great fear into the Psalm-singing disciples in Matthew 8:27, Mark 4:41, and Luke 8:25, was when Jesus calmed the storm. It was not just the sort of thing that creatures are unable to do; it was something that you were only supposed to be able to do if you had spoken the mountains into existence (Psalm 65:7a–b, cf. Psalm 65:6). When the Lord Jesus declares the Great Commission as the application of His heaven-and-earth authority, He is identifying Himself as the God of the nations referenced in Psalm 65:2, Psalm 65:5, Psalm 65:7. So this wonderful Psalm about what kind of a God is Elohim is properly/fully understood when we learn from it what kind of a God is the Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus is a prayer-hearing God, Psalm 65:2. The practice of praying to saints is an abominable idolatry because offering prayer is an act of worship; and, hearing and answering prayer is an act of divinity. But Jesus is the Hearer and Answerer of prayer (Psalm 65:2, cf. Matthew 8:25).
Jesus is the atoning God, Psalm 65:3. Where can David get help against the iniquities that prevail against him? There is abundant help in Him Who atones not just for the sins of one man but for a people.
Jesus is the electing God, Psalm 65:4a. Why does a man end coming (Psalm 65:2b, Psalm 65:4b) to the Lord Jesus? Because Jesus first chose him (verse 4a).
Jesus is the regenerating God, Psalm 65:4b. Not only does the Lord make men blessed by His choosing them, but their approaching Him (verse 4b) is not merely a result of foreordination but an action that the Lord Himself personally causes.
Jesus is the satisfying God, Psalm 65:4. Though the Lord does many things for the elect along the way, His election aims chiefly at their blessedness (verse 4a)—their being satisfied with His goodness in His house and holy presence forever (verse 4c–e).
Jesus is the saving God, Psalm 65:5. Here is one of His Names, “God of our salvation” (verse 5b). Any hope of anyone from anywhere for anything must be placed ultimately in Him (verse 5c–d). His actions are awesome—to be reverenced. And His actions are righteous. He saves!
Jesus is the almighty, Creator God, Psalm 65:6-7. He established mountains as monuments to His power. When the seas roar and crash against them, they appear majestic in their undisturbed strength. But ultimately, it is He Himself Who stills the noise of the seas, the noise of their waves.
The One Who stilled the waves is the One Who silences the tumult of the peoples (v7c). They may rage (cf. Psalm 2:1, Psalm 46:6a), but He silences them all as declaration that He Himself is God (cf. verse 46:6b, Psalm 65:10).
Psalm 65 is a Psalm of glorious praise unto the one, true God. And how the singing believers rejoice, when they realize that this great God is the One Who became a Man to die for us! It belongs to His people from all the nations to vow to praise Him in the assembly of Zion (Psalm 65:1b), and to be ready to give that praise when we assemble (verse 1a)?
Of the characteristics of the Lord Jesus in this Psalm, to which ones do you least frequently respond? Which ones most connect with where you are right now in life? What heart-habit have you developed?
Sample prayer: Lord Jesus, You Who calmed the waves are the God to Whom we have vowed the praise that now awaits You. To You, Who hear prayer, we have come to worship. You chose us and You caused us to come to You. Now, make us happy and satisfied with the goodness of Your house and Your holy temple, for we ask it in Your own Name, AMEN!
Suggested songs: ARP65A “Praise Awaits You, God” or TPH65C “Praise Waits for Thee in Zion”
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