Herald – April 20, 2024
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” is known and quoted by many who don’t even profess to be Christians.
In tomorrow’s morning sermon text, we find that it comes in the context of learning from our good and wise Father that holiness is what we most need from Him, and that He even uses our brothers and sisters in Christ in His loving, sanctifying work.
In this context, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” means, among other things: go to church! Do not neglect the assembling of yourselves together. Stir one another up unto love and good deeds.
Get as much earthly duty out of the way as you can, so that there will be as little “deeds of necessity” as possible on the Lord’s Day.
Prepare your heart and mind for the worship of God by coming clean with Him and laying hold of Christ as your sin offering.
Plan the morning in such a way as to prepare heart and mind for the public worship of God.
As we approach the service, and especially in secret prayer just before it begins, lay hold of Christ as your Ascension, and bring Him in your faith-hand as your Tribute, enjoying your and Father’s shared delight in Him as your Fellowship.
In the assembly, be attentive and soft-hearted to the Word as it is read and preached, with Jesus as our Prophet, Who declares God’s Name to us as His brethren (cf. Heb 2:12). At the conclusions of readings and sermons, voice a heart-felt “Amen!”
Join with all your heart, as we are led in prayer that is formed from the Word, with Jesus being our truster-in-chief as High Priest of our prayers (cf. Heb 2:13). And let this conclude in a heart-felt “Amen!” when each prayer is completed.
Sing with all your heart, as Jesus sings His Father’s praise through us in the midst of the assembly (cf. Heb 2:12). Give a heart-felt “Amen!” whenever we have sung God’s Word together.
As Father nourishes us richly upon His Son, joyously come to Christ’s table, eager for one another’s partaking as well (cf. Heb 13:8–16; 1Co 11:33; Rom 15:5–7), under the ministry of the elders (cf. Heb 13:7, 17).
In love and wisdom, the Father has filled His public worship with those means of His sanctifying grace, as we come through the Son, in dependence upon the work of the Spirit. This is what we would have Him do unto us. From Him we learn that this is in which we would have others participate, as they do unto us. This is what we ought to do unto each other.
Looking forward to our loving one another like Father does,
Audio lessons
to help you prepare for the Lord’s Day:
▪Theology Simply Explained — CC89, Call God's Day What God Calls It
▪Theology Simply Explained — WSC28, Christ Exalted, Yesterday, Today, and Forever
▪Psalm 118:1–14, “Thanking,
Trusting, and Triumphing Forever”
▪Isaiah 52:13–53:12, “The Saving
Resolve of the Servant”
▪1John 2:28–3:3, “Trinitarian,
Sanctifying Grace”
▪Matthew 7:7–12, “Holiness
as a Gift from Father”
▪Numbers 8:5–26, “Ordained
to Logistical Service in Support of Worship”
LORD'S DAY – April 21, 2024
a.m. Breakfast Line Opens
a.m. Sabbath School
Ben Rupe continues teaching on when/how God requires us to resist the civil
magistrate (by engaging with Phil Kayser’s [book] on the subject).
11 a.m. Public Worship
▫Children’s Catechism for April 21. Q89 Why is it called the Lord's Day? Because
on that day Christ rose from the dead. [CC 89 Simply Explained: “Call God's Day What God Calls It”]
▫Shorter Catechism for April 21. Q28 Wherein consisteth Christ’s exaltation? Christ’s exaltation consisteth in His rising again from the dead on the third day, in ascending up into heaven, in sitting at the right hand of God the Father, and in coming to judge the world at the last day. [WSC 28 Simply Explained: “Christ Exalted Yesterday, Today, and Forever”]
Songs for April 21 morning service:
▫ARP118A “Because He’s
Good, O Thank the Lord” [mp3]
▫ARP22D “All Ends of Earth Will Turn to Him” [mp3]
▫ARP51B “From My Sins, O
Hide Your Face” [mp3]
Text for first portion of worship service
Psalm 118.1-14
Readings and basis for confession of sin and petition for help
Scripture text and topic
will be hearing the sermon from Matthew 7:7–12 on “How to Grow in Holiness”
Lord’s Supper! (Please see the section at the end of the Worship Booklet on how rightly to prepare for and take it).
1 p.m. Coffee Fellowship and Catechism Class
p.m. Fellowship Lunch
Verse for April 21, Matthew 7:11,
If you then, being evil, know how
to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in
heaven give good things to those who ask Him!
p.m Evening Praise and Preaching
will be singing at least ten Psalm selections and hearing the sermon from Numbers 8:5–26 on “Ordained Servants in Service
of Worship”
this Month
Hopewell’s Presbytery Prayer Focus for April
Prosperity ARP in Marion
Junction, AL
April Psalm of the Month
ARP22D All Ends of Earth Will
Turn to Him
• Wednesday, April 24, Midweek Prayer Meeting.
6:30 p.m. in the Chapel. We will hear a sermon from Romans 13:11–14 then pray until 8:15 p.m.
• Thursday, April 25, Session Meeting, 6p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
Saturday, April 27, Men’s (and future men) breakfast, 7a in the
Fellowship Hall
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