Tuesday, July 16, 2024

2024.07.16 Hopewell @Home ▫ Psalm 119:73–80

Read Psalm 119:73–80

Questions from the Scripture text: What/who made the psalmist (Psalm 119:73a)? What does he ask for (verse 73b)? To do what? Who will be glad to see him (Psalm 119:74a)? Why (verse 74b)? What does the psalmist know (Psalm 119:75a)? What has YHWH done in faithfulness (verse 75b)? By what does he hope to be comforted (Psalm 119:76a)? According to what (verse 76b)? What does he hope will come to him (Psalm 119:77a)? With what effect? How/why (verse 77b)? What does he hope will happen to the proud (Psalm 119:78a)? Why (verse 78b)? By contrast, what will he do (verse 78c)? What does he hope those who fear YHWH will do (Psalm 119:79a)? What else does he call them (verse 79b)? What does he want his own heart to be (Psalm 119:80a)? Why (verse 80b)?

What do saints want? Psalm 119:73–80 looks forward to the opening portion of morning public worship on the coming Lord’s Day. In these eight verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that saints want to bless each other.  

Because the Lord has made the Psalmist what he is (Psalm 119:73a), he hopes to encourage (Psalm 119:74) and instruct (Psalm 119:78) those who fear the Lord. Though the words “hands,” “fearing,” and “know” start the first three verses, all the rest of the verses start with the letter “yod” on the 3rd person imperfect with jussive (imperative) force. We don’t have a third-person imperative in English, so we translate “let…” But it is stronger than a hope or a desire. The psalmist has distinguished himself from the wicked (Psalm 119:78) and desires an opposite end to theirs (Psalm 119:80). As he aims to be a blessing to those who fear the Lord, he hopes that he will not let them down (verse 80). For this reason, as in the previous stanza (Psalm 119:65-72), he is grateful for the afflictions by which God’s love has trained him to delight in God’s law (Psalm 119:75-77).

For whom do you hope to be an encouragement? To whom do you desire to be an example? How can this happen?

Sample prayer:  Lord, thank You for afflicting us, and for all other means by which You have made us what we are. Give us to love Your law so that we may be an encouragement and example to all who fear You, we ask through Christ, AMEN!

Suggested songs: ARP119J “Your Hands Created and Established Me” or TPH119J “Give Me Insight to Learn Your Commands”

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