Read Romans 16:25–27
Questions from the Scripture text: Upon whom does Romans 16:25 focus? What is he able to do? To whom? According to what? Whose gospel? And what action? What (Who!) is the content of this preaching? According to the revelation of what? How long has it been kept secret? What has happened to the secret now (Romans 16:26)? And how is this revealed mystery made known to the nations? How many of them? Who has commanded this preaching of Jesus Christ from the Scriptures? To produce what? What uniquely divine attribute has He shown in this way (Romans 16:27)? What does the apostle ascribe to this God? Through Whom? For how long? How does He conclude this doxology?
What is the apostle’s chief aim in the gospel? Romans 16:25–27 looks forward to the sermon in the midweek prayer meeting. In these three verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that in gospel preaching, the apostle’s aim is the glory of God in Christ.
How Christians are strengthened. There are weaker believers and stronger believers, but all need strengthening (Romans 16:25). This strengthening does not come from the means of grace, but through them, from God Himself. He is the One Who is able to strengthen (“establish,” NKJ) them.
How we know. The gospel is the power of God for salvation in which the righteousness of God is revealed both to original faith and to ongoing faith (cf. Romans 1:16–17). This is the gospel that Paul has been preaching. His gospel is the gospel for all. Their hope is the hope for all. God alone is able to strengthen you.
What God uses to strengthen. The preaching of Christ is the gospel, the good news about Jesus. But this means not only that proclamation that has Jesus as its content but the proclamation that is made by Jesus Himself. He preaches Himself, and by preaching He gives grace to give His people faith (cf. Romans 10:17).
The “secret” of this strength. From the beginning of the world, God has planned to gather for Himself a people who would respond to the gospel rightly—with faith (end of Romans 16:26). But just how He would do this—through Jesus Christ, for all the nations of a world under curse—was kept secret. The Scriptures told it, but even they were only known in and by one nation (cf. Romans 3:2, Romans 9:4), and that nation did not understand. But God has now commanded the preaching of the gospel of Christ to all nations (cf. Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:15), making known to all nations what the eternal God has planned in Christ from all eternity.
The purpose of this gospel. The purpose of the gospel is the glory of God, especially of His wisdom (Romans 16:27, cf. Romans 11:33–36). It is the pleasure of God to display this wisdom especially in His Son, and to magnify His glory especially in His Son—forever! If you are a believer, then you will surely be strengthened. And you will surely glorify the only-wise God forever and ever. And at the heart of that glory will always be His Son!
In what parts of your Christian life do you need to be strengthened? How? Through what?
Sample prayer: Father, glorify Yourself in Your Son by the difference that He makes in our lives. And grant that the mystery of the gospel would continue to be revealed in the proclamation of Jesus Christ to all who have not heard, we ask in His Name, AMEN!
Suggested songs: ARP22D “All Ends of Earth” or TPH429 “Come, Thou Fount”
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