Read Matthew 10:24–33
Questions from the Scripture text: Who is not above whom (Matthew 10:24a)? Who else is not above whom? What is enough for a disciple (Matthew 10:25)? For a servant? What have they called Whom? How much more will they do that to whom else? What command does Christ conclude from this (Matthew 10:26)? What will happen to everything that is covered? What will happen to everything that is hidden? What were they to do with what Jesus told them in the dark (Matthew 10:27)? What were they to do with what was whispered in the ear? Whom are they not to fear (Matthew 10:28)? What can’t those people do? Whom should they fear? What is He able to do? What question does the Lord ask in Matthew 10:29? What doesn’t happen to them apart from Whose will? What else is done by Him (Matthew 10:30)? What command does Christ conclude from this (Matthew 10:31)? Why? What must we do with Christ (Matthew 10:32)? Before whom? What will He be doing with us? Before Whom? Where? But what will some be doing with Christ (Matthew 10:33)? Before whom? And what will He be doing with them? Before Whom? Where?
How can we resist fear of man? Matthew 10:24–33 looks forward to the morning sermon in public worship on the coming Lord’s Day. In these ten verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that fear of God cures fear of man.
This passage includes three commands not to fear, and divides rather handily into three sections around them.
Fellowship with Christ (“Do not fear them”) (Matthew 10:24-26). They had already taken to calling Him Beelzebub (Matthew 9:34, cf. Matthew 12:24). So, they shouldn’t be surprised when such spiritual accusations are made against them too (cf. Matthew 10:17). The accusations against Christ would culminate in His being delivered up to crucifixion, so it is not surprising that many of the disciples were executed in similar manner, or that thousands of believers have been executed for the faith.
Yet, just as Christ’s glory was hidden at the time, but will be majestically revealed later, so also His students and servants appear humble now and will be revealed in glory later (cf. 1 Corinthians 2:7–9; Romans 8:21, Romans 8:9–30). Do not fear them. They know not what they do, and it will be revealed later! When you are persecuted, enjoy the fellowship that you have with Christ now, in your persecutions. And relish the fellowship that you will have with Him soon, in glory.
Final Judgment (“Do not fear those who can kill the body”) (Matthew 10:27-28). When we have knowledge of Christ that others need, we mustn’t keep it to ourselves or be ashamed of it. After all, there will come a day when those whom we knew, and are then perishing, will know that we had the knowledge that would have prevented it. So, it is important to let them know now—even if they might kill you for it! They cannot kill your soul.
But there is a judgment coming, for which the ungodly will be resurrected unto destruction. They have sinned against God’s glory, body and soul (cf. Romans 1:18–23, Romans 3:23) and His glory will be expressed upon them forever, body and soul (Matthew 10:28b; cf. Mark 9:48; 2 Thessalonians 1:8–9). For the believer, His glory is experienced as favor. For the unbeliever, His glory is experienced as fury. If we fear Him, we will give much more weight to what He has delivered us from than to what they might inflict upon us. And if we love our enemy in fear of God, then we will be urgent even with our enemy to flee the wrath to come.
Fatherly Care Mediated by Christ’s Continual Intercession (“Do not fear therefore”) (Matthew 10:29-33). The Lord changes tone very quickly. Matthew 10:29-31 feel like they belong at the end of chapter 6, not the middle of chapter 10. Believers have a Father Who is continually, sovereignly superintending very subatomic particle in creation. Our Father’s will governs all, keeping track of every hair on our head. What’s more, the Lord Jesus promises that, as we are confessing Him before men, He will be confessing us to His Father (Matthew 10:32, cf. Hebrews 7:25). Notice that He switches from “your Father” to “My Father.” How great is His intercession for us!
But there is one sort of person who cannot take comfort in God’s sovereign government, and for whom Christ won’t be interceding: the one who denies Christ before men (Matthew 10:33). Even believers like Peter can go through a moment or a season of being ashamed of Christ. But someone whose “Christianity” is indetectable, non-verbal, and hidden from others, has good reason to believe that he is no true Christian at all. What a thing it is to be a Christian, and what consolation they have in the Father, Son, and Spirit! And how sadly this consolation is rejected by those who reject fear of God in Christ for the fear of men. Dear reader, I hope you are enjoying that consolation.
In what sufferings have you had fellowship with Christ? Whom do you know that is in danger of Hell? Before whom are you in danger of concealing Christ? What comfort do you take from Father’s care and Christ’s intercession?
Sample prayer: Lord, thank You for giving us such encouragement to fear You, and such strong help against the fear of man. Grant that Your Spirit would communicate to us our fellowship with Christ and comfort us with Father’s care and Christ’s intercession. And grant that we would interact with others in the awareness that there is a frightful hell to pay for all who remain in themselves and in their sin. Give us to see many brought into the safety and comfort of Christ, we ask in His Name, AMEN!
Suggested songs: ARP34C “O Sons and Daughters, Come, Give Ear” or TPH470 “When This Passing World Is Done”
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