Read 2 John 1–6
Questions from the Scripture text: How does the writer identify himself (2 John 1)? His addressees? What is his disposition toward them? In what does he love them? Who else loves them in truth? Why (2 John 2)? What is their relation to the truth? How long will the truth be with him and them? What three other things will be with them (2 John 3)? From what two persons? In what two aspects of Their character? What is the first Person called here? What is the second Person called here? What has the elder done (2 John 4)? How much? Over finding whom? Doing what? In accord with what that they have received from Whom? Now what does the Elder do with the lady (2 John 5)? But what isn’t he doing with this pleading? Regarding which commandment is he pleading/urging? What is the commandment which they have had from the beginning? How does 2 John 6 define love? And how does this relate to loving one another—what have they done with this commandment for how long? What must they continue to do with this commandment?
Who loves the church? 2 John 1–6 looks forward to the second serial reading in morning public worship on the coming Lord’s Day. In these six verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that all in whom Christ abides love the church.
How to think of the church and her members. “The elder” is John, who is an apostle and an elder (cf. 1 Peter 5:1), in addition to probably being elderly and the last remaining apostle at the time of writing. “The elect lady” is the church, considered both broadly as the visible church (“elect/select” from the world) and particularly, in this case, in a specific congregation in a specific place (n.b. “the children of your elect sister” in 2 John 13). Some would have these be two noble Christian women, but it is much more consistent with the office of the apostle to be sending greetings from one congregation to another rather than one woman to another. Also, if this was a particular woman, it could hardly be said that “all who have known the truth” love her.
With that settled, we can see how the apostle’s address teaches us to think of the church: as the elect lady and her children (cf. Revelation 12:13–17). Everyone who has known the truth loves the church as Christ’s chosen lady on earth. If you don’t love the visible church (though you might grieve over congregations of it), then you have not known the truth. For the truth is more than accurate concepts; the Truth is a Person. And He loves the elect lady and her children… i.e. the members of the visible church.
How we come to love the church and her members. So, we should think of the church the way that the Lord Jesus Christ thinks of the church, but how does that happen? There are clues to that all through the first three verses. “whom I love in truth” (2 John 1) sounds, at first, like “sincerely” or “accurately,” but then in 2 John 2 it turns out that “the Truth” is a person: “the truth which abides in us and will be with us forever.” Christ abides in believers (cf. John 15:4, John 17:23; 2 Corinthians 13:5; Ephesians 3:17). And He is with us forever (cf. Matthew 28:20). By the grace that is from the Father and the Son, we are strengthened to love the brethren. The loving mercy that we have from the Father and the Son overflows in us in love unto the brethren. In the peace that we have with the Father and the Son to know that God loves us, and that we love God, so also we love those who are born of Him. 2 John 3 is not merely a greeting; it is a recipe for how union with Christ produces love for our brethren, which is one reason why the apostle concludes it with “in truth and love.”
What it means if we genuinely love the church and her members. This letter was occasioned by the apostle John “rejoicing greatly.” What made him so glad? He found some members of this other congregation walking in truth. That is to say that they were obeying Jesus Christ, just as the Father Himself had commanded (cf. Deuteronomy 18:15–19; Matthew 17:5; Mark 9:7; Luke 9:35; Acts 3:19–26). This is the hallmark of those in whom the Father, Son, and Spirit have savingly worked: they live in union with Christ, according to the commandment of Christ. The apostle puts this a couple of ways. First, he reminds this church that what He urges them to continue to do, when they receive this good report back with their church members that have so gladdened him, is the same thing that Christ has commanded since the eve of His crucifixion (2 John 5, cf. John 13:34–34, John 15:12, John 15:17).
Second, the apostle reminds them that genuine love will always be accompanied by obedience to the commandments (2 John 6a), and genuine obedience to the commandments will always include walking in the commandment to love the brethren (verse 6b). If there is no love of the brethren, then whatever outward conformity there is to God’s law is not Christ-produced obedience. And if there is not obedience to Christ’s other commandments, then whatever warm feelings, good social relations, or works of service there are toward other Christians, it still isn’t Christ-produced love of the brethren. The life of Christ, the Son, the Truth, produces both (love for the brethren and obedience to the Word); or else, we may be sure that it is producing neither. If we are genuinely loving the brethren, and keeping the Lord’s other commandments from the heart, it is fruit and evidence of our walking in Him Who is the truth. Of course, then, the apostle rejoiced greatly! We, too, should rejoice greatly at finding this in others, as well as seeking to become occasions of others’ rejoicing.
In what ways does your love for the visible church show up in your schedule? Your prayers? Your efforts? Your expenditures? In what ways does love for specific brethren do so?
Sample prayer: Lord, forgive us for not treasuring the church more, as Christ’s “elect lady.” We have not devoted ourselves to her as we ought in our plans and prayers and priorities. And forgive us for often allowing our hearts to despise, or scorn, or even just feel coldly toward other church members. Forgive us this great sin, the violation of Christ’s new commandment, and grant that by His abiding in us, we would love the elect lady and her children in truth. For we ask it through Him Who is the Truth, AMEN!
Suggested songs: ARP197 “Christian Unity” or TPH406 “Jesus, with Thy Church, Abide”
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