Read Proverbs 1:8–19
Questions from the Scripture text: Whom does Proverbs 1:8 address? Whose instruction does it say for him to hear? Whose law not to forsake? What does Proverbs 1:9 promise that these will be to them? To whom must he not listen (Proverbs 1:10)? With whom would they ask him to be (Proverbs 1:11a)? To do what (verse 11b–c)? How do they describe their success (Proverbs 1:12)? And their reward (Proverbs 1:13)? What fellowship does Proverbs 1:14 promise? What counsel does Proverbs 1:15a give? And what further precaution in verse 15b? To what are they really running (Proverbs 1:16)? And to what does Proverbs 1:17 compare this? Because whom must they really destroy (Proverbs 1:18)? What general desire will always do this (Proverbs 1:19)?
How can we escape self-destruction? Proverbs 1:8–19 looks forward to the sermon in the midweek prayer meeting. In these twelve verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that heeding good counsel and watching against the companionship of the worldly are means by which we may escape self-destruction.
Choose the right allies, Proverbs 1:8. There is a temptation to be friends with those whose desires and attitudes align with our heart’s. But the problem is that we must have a new heart, and even if we do have a new heart, there is that fleshliness that remains from before. So, we must identify who is an ally to the flesh and who is an ally to the Spirit (cf. Galatians 5:16–17). A godly father and mother are allies to the Spirit. It is the Lord’s instruction and the Lord’s discipline that they are to give (cf. Ephesians 6:4). Here, the word for “law,” “torah,” which originated in the instruction of a father, and solidified into the “house rules” of societies, is attributed to the mother. Youth will hear different attitudes and desires and instructions from different people. Everything must be measured against Scripture, but the youth with a godly parent has an excellent guide. Father and mother are not only the first ones that they listen to, but they can know whom else to listen to by whether those people think and speak similarly to their parents.
Aim for the right beauty, Proverbs 1:9. Godliness is its own adornment. Not just for women as in 1 Timothy 2:10 and 1 Peter 3:4. Here, the son is told that rather than the sort of adornment that the world sees as hallmarks of wealth and nobility, being his father’s son and his mother’s son in his public presentation will be what marks him as noble before those whose opinions he should care about.
Recognize and reject enticements to sin, Proverbs 1:10-14. “Do not consent” (Proverbs 1:10). Give that resolute “no.” Don’t slide into compliance. Watch out for how you could end up doing so: they present the sin as easy (Proverbs 1:11), successful (Proverbs 1:12), rewarding (Proverbs 1:13), and uniting (Proverbs 1:14). You must reject that sort of ease, that sort of success, that sort of reward, and that sort of unity.
Take extra precautions, Proverbs 1:15. To keep yourself from walking in that way, guard even the placement of your foot!
Remember the Lord’s providence and justice, Proverbs 1:16-18. Carelessness about others’ lives is carelessness about your own soul. God watches, and He responds personally to you not just in the ups and downs of providence in this life, but in everlasting penalty in the next.
Guard even your very heart, Proverbs 1:19. This is not merely instruction for the “how-to.” It is instruction for the desires of the heart. When greed rules the heart, it takes you in the path of self-destruction. Guard your heart!
Whom do you know who have the godliest desires and counsel? Who is most into worldly gain and “fellowship”?
Sample prayer: Lord, thank You for arming us against the fleshly desires of our hearts. Grant that we would listen to godly parents and other godly counselors, who would help us resist even a wrong desire, and guard the placement of our feet, to keep us out of self-destroying paths, we ask through Christ, AMEN!
Suggested songs: ARP1 “How Blessed the Man” or TPH508 “Jesus, Priceless Treasure”
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