Tuesday, August 20, 2024

2024.08.20 Hopewell @Home ▫ Psalm 119:105–112

Read Psalm 119:105–112

Questions from the Scripture text: How does God’s Word function (Psalm 119:105a)? Unto what? How else (verse 105b)? Unto what? What has he done (Psalm 119:106a)? To do what (verse 106b)? What is his experience (Psalm 119:107a)? What does he ask for (verse 107b)? From Whom? According to what? What does he ask to have accepted (Psalm 119:108a)? For what response does he ask (verse 108b)? How precarious is his situation (Psalm 119:109a)? But what does he still do (verse 109b)? Who have done what (Psalm 119:110a)? But what does he still do (verse 110b)? What does he count as his inheritance (Psalm 119:111a)? Why—what are God’s testimonies to him (verse 111b)? What has he done with his heart (Psalm 119:112a)? To do what? For how long (verse 112b)? 

What is the role of the Word in the believer’s life? Psalm 119:105–112 looks forward to opening portion of morning public worship on the coming Lord’s Day. In these eight verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that the Word of God is not just a tool for the believer but a means by which God Himself is our guide, God Himself is our companion, and God Himself is our treasure and joy.  

Usefulness of God’s WordPsalm 119:105. There are many things by which one might govern his course in life. Some are governed by others expectations, some by ambitions, some by a need for orderliness, some by a desire to get to some favorite comfort or pleasure. The godly man’s choices and habits are governed by Scripture.

Fellowship with God by the WordPsalm 119:106-108. The believer ought to take God’s Word as the substance of promises, resolutions, determinations, vows, etc., unto the Lord (Psalm 119:106). He describes these as “freewill offerings of his mouth” (Psalm 119:108a), as he asks the Lord to teach him the things to which he will then vow himself (verse 108b). Even in this interaction, the believer finds that he is much pained and hindered (Psalm 119:107a); even for his offering to the Lord, he is dependent upon life from the Lord (verse 107b)! 

What a sweet fellowship is offered to you, dear Christian, to be receiving the Scriptures from God, promising obedience to them unto God, for which you are depending upon life from God, that God gives according to His own promises in Scripture to you. 

Temptations to take us off the WordPsalm 119:109-110. When we feel like our life is hanging on our next move, we may be tempted just to live defensively and pragmatically to do whatever feels like it will rescue us (Psalm 119:109a). In such situations, the greatest danger is forgetfulness of God and His Word (verse 109b)! The worst kind of snare an evil man can set for us (Psalm 119:110a) is the one that would induce us to go astray (wander) from the Lord’s precepts (verse 110b). 

The valuation that keeps us on the WordPsalm 119:111-112. To stick to the Word as the psalmist does, in dependence upon the Lord, we must seek from the Lord the same heart toward His law that He gave the psalmist. The psalmist counts the testimonies his most valued treasure (Psalm 119:111a) and his most enjoyed delight (verse 111b). This is what has him determined to turn his heart toward God’s Word continually and forever (Psalm 119:112). 

What tends to determine what you’re going to do, and how you’re going to do it, each day? How much does personal interaction with the Lord Himself characterize your use of His Word and response to it? How does your life reflect your treasuring of the Word and delighting in the Word?

Sample prayer:  Lord, Your Word shows us what to do and how to do it. Grant that as we offer You our hearts and our voices, You Yourself would give us the spiritual life to do so. Give us to count Your Word as more of a treasure than any earthly possession, and to take more delight in Your speaking to us than we do in any other pleasure, we ask through Christ, AMEN!

 Suggested songs: ARP119N “Your Word’s a Lamp” or TPH119N “Your Word Sheds Light upon My Path”

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