Tuesday, September 17, 2024

2024.09.17 Hopewell @Home ▫ Psalm 119:137–144

Read Psalm 119:137–144

Questions from the Scripture text: What does the psalmist say to YHWH, about YHWH (Psalm 119:137a)? In what does this character come out (verse 137b, Psalm 119:138Psalm 119:140a)? What is the psalmist’s biggest problem with his enemies (Psalm 119:139b)? With what result in/for him (verse 139a)? Of what is this jealousy/zeal a consequence (Psalm 119:140b)? What is the psalmist’s stature (Psalm 119:141a)? What does he do (verse 141b)? What is the stature of God’s righteousness (Psalm 119:142a, Psalm 119:144a)? What does this mean for the character of God’s Word (Psalm 119:142b)? In what condition does this small-statured psalmist find himself (Psalm 119:143a)? But what does he still do (Psalm 119:143b)? How will he be delivered (Psalm 119:144b)?

How can we have joy forever? Psalm 119:137–144 looks forward to opening portion of morning public worship on the coming Lord’s Day. In these eight verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that eternal joy comes from the righteous Lord and His communication of Himself by His Word.  

The praise in Psalm 119:137 is personal, addressing YHWH in the second person, addressing Him by Name. The psalmist loves the righteous Lord. Therefore, he loves (Psalm 119:140b) the Lord’s upright (Psalm 119:137b), righteous and faithful (Psalm 119:138), and pure (Psalm 119:140a) Word. Genuine love will be jealous, when there is opposition or threat to that love and its object. This is why the Lord is properly jealous for His own glory (cf. Exodus 20:5) and why genuine love for God’s Word will be jealous (Psalm 119:139, same word) when others disregard His Word. Would that we loved God’s Word so much that this were the primary thing that disturbed us about our enemies! 

It is such a wonderful thing to belong to God and to have Him communicate Himself to us by His word that even though we are small and despised (Psalm 119:141a) or are overtaken by trouble and anguish (Psalm 119:143a), we may still have delight (verse 143b) and life (Psalm 119:144b) by God’s own eternal righteousness (Psalm 119:142a, Psalm 119:144a), if by His grace, we do not forget His Word (Psalm 119:141b, cp. Psalm 119:139b). 

From where do you draw life and joy? How does your zeal for the Word show your love for it and Him?

Sample prayer:  Righteous Lord, we love You and Your righteous Word. Keep us from forgetting it, so that we will have life and delight in You and Your Word forever, we ask through Christ, AMEN!

Suggested songs: ARP119S “O, LORD, You Are the Righteous One” or TPH119R “O LORD, You Are the Righteous One”

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