Read Numbers 22:13–40
Questions from the Scripture text: What did Balaam tell whom to do (Numbers 22:13)? What reason did he give them? But how do the princes of Moab explain it (Numbers 22:14)? What does Balak now do (Numbers 22:15)? What message did they deliver from Balak (Numbers 22:16)? What did they promise in his behalf (Numbers 22:17)? What request did they repeat? What did Balaam suggest Balak could give him (Numbers 22:18)? But what did he say that he still could not do? What does he call YHWH? But what does he ask them to do (Numbers 22:19)? For what purpose? What does God permit Balaam to do (Numbers 22:20)? On what condition? What does Balaam do in the morning (Numbers 22:21)? But what was God’s disposition to Balaam’s going (Numbers 22:22)? So, Who stood in his way? As what? What/who was with him? Of these four, who saw Whom (Numbers 22:23)? Doing what? How did the donkey respond? Then how did Balaam respond to the donkey? Where did the Angel of YHWH stand next (Numbers 22:24)? Who saw (Numbers 22:25)? How did it respond? With what effect? And what response from Balaam? Where did the Angel of YHWH stand next (Numbers 22:26)? Now what did the donkey do (Numbers 22:27)? With what response from Balaam? Who opened what (Numbers 22:28)? What does the donkey say? To whom? How does Balaam respond to a donkey talking to him (Numbers 22:29)? What did he wish? Why? What argument does the donkey present (Numbers 22:30)? Who caves in to the other’s argument? Now Who opens what (Numbers 22:31)? What does Balaam see? How does he respond? Whose question does the Angel of YHWH now repeat (Numbers 22:32)? What does He say that He has done? Why—what does He say about Balaam’s way? Before Whom? What does He say the donkey has seen and done (Numbers 22:33)? What does He say would have happened if she didn’t? What does Balaam confess in Numbers 22:34? What does he finally consider at the end of verse 34? How does the Angel of YHWH’s response in Numbers 22:35 compare to Numbers 22:20? What does Balak hear (Numbers 22:36)? What does he do? At which city does he meet him? What three questions does he ask (Numbers 22:37)? But what does Balaam again explain to Balak in Numbers 22:38? Who now goes with whom to where (Numbers 22:39)? What does Balak do there (Numbers 22:40)? And to whom does he give the meat?
What do we learn from a talking donkey? Numbers 22:13–40 looks forward to the evening sermon on the coming Lord’s Day. In these twenty-eight verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that the Lord opens the mouth, opens the eyes, and sees the heart.
It is the Lord Who opens the mouth. This much Balaam keeps telling Balak (Numbers 22:8, Numbers 22:18, Numbers 22:38). This the Lord also repeats to Balaam (Numbers 22:20, Numbers 22:35). This the Lord emphasizes by even doing it for a donkey (Numbers 22:28)! Our words belong to Him, and we must use them well. Not only must they always keep the third and fifth and sixth and seventh and ninth commandments (and all the rest of them!), but our words must always be with grace (Colossians 4:6), and we must never speak idle words (Matthew 12:36).
It is the Lord Who opens the eyes. The language of Numbers 22:31 with respect to Balaam’s eyes is almost the same as that in Numbers 22:28 with respect to the donkey’s mouth. The Lord literally opens Balaam’s eyes, so that he can see Jesus… and Balaam is duly terrified! Of course, it is implied that it was YHWH Who had been opening the donkey’s eyes ever since Numbers 22:23. But we read nothing of the two servants’ eyes being opened. What a marvel it must have been to them, first to hear the donkey (Numbers 22:28), then to hear their master arguing back to a donkey (Numbers 22:29), then to hear their master yielding to the donkey’s argument (Numbers 22:31), and finally to see their master hastily throwing himself upon his face (end of verse 31)!
Of course, the reason that he was on his face is the Christophany in front of him. This Angel of YHWH, with sword drawn, is YHWH Himself. He accepts the worship that is offered (Numbers 22:31). He judges Balaam’s actions as “before Me” (Numbers 22:32, literally “opposite Me”). And the strongest proof of all is that He identifies Himself in Numbers 22:35 as the same speaker as in Numbers 22:20.
We need our eyes opened, the veil to be removed, the scales to fall. We need the Lord to give us to see Him, to see the danger of our sin before Him, and to see Him offering us forgiveness and life by His grace.
The Lord Who sees the heart. Why is it wicked for Balaam to go in Numbers 22:21, but acceptable in Numbers 22:35? Balaam’s heart is different. In Numbers 22:21, he has obtained permission, but goes because it pleases himself (especially because it pleases him to obtain the riches, cf. 2 Peter 2:15, Jude 11). But that’s his own way, and it is perverse before the Lord (Numbers 22:32). Only when Balaam is going not because it pleases himself, but because it pleases the Lord (Numbers 22:34), is it permissible. It is the man’s heart upon which the Lord especially sets His eye. We must make our hearts the priority before Him, looking to Him for grace to maintain them (cf. Psalm 19:14, Psalm 139:23–24).
In what situations have you most needed to remember that it is the Lord Who has opened your mouth? What does He use to open our eyes, and what use are you making of it? What have you seen of your sin? What have you seen of Christ? What is your habit, in relating to the Lord, for maintaining your heart before Him?
Sample prayer: Lord, thank You for giving to us the privilege of speech. Grant that we would serve You with all of our words. And give us to see ourselves rightly, to see our sin rightly, and especially to see Christ rightly. Help us to offer unto You not just our behavior, but especially our hearts—not living to please ourselves as much as we can get away with, but pleasing You as much as we possibly can. Grant all of this through Christ, we ask in His Name, AMEN!
Suggested songs: ARP23B “The Lord’s My Shepherd” or TPH216 “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty”
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