Tuesday, October 15, 2024

2024.10.15 Hopewell @Home ▫ Psalm 119:169–176

Read Psalm 119:169–176

Questions from the Scripture text: What does the psalmist request about prayer (Psalm 119:169a, Psalm 119:170a)? And what does the psalmist request about the Word (Psalm 119:169b)? What does he need (Psalm 119:170b)? How will the psalmist respond (Psalm 119:171-172)? For him to praise God’s Word for salvation, what needs to happen (Psalm 119:173-175)? Why does he need to be saved (Psalm 119:176a)? How (verse 176b)? Why—what has God already done for him (verse 176c)?

What does trouble provide an opportunity for? Psalm 119:169–176 looks forward to opening portion of morning public worship on the coming Lord’s Day. In these eight verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that trouble provides, among other things, an opportunity to praise the Word and faithfulness of the God Who saves us out of it.  

As the Psalm comes to a conclusion in its final stanza, the psalmist strongly desires to praise the Lord and His perfect and glorious Word. “My lips shall utter praise” (Psalm 119:171a). “My tongue shall speak of Your Word” (Psalm 119:172a). “Your law is my delight” (Psalm 119:174b). “My soul […] shall praise You” (Psalm 119:175a). 

But our praise of God is not a falsehood, or even based merely upon feelings. It is a real and right response to Who He is and what He has done. We always have reason to praise Him. He is Who He is, and that never changes. He has done so many wonderful things: creation, all of providence, and especially the glorious providence of His Son’s redemptive work. 

But when we need deliverance (Psalm 119:170b), or when we have gone astray (Psalm 119:176a), there is opportunity for new displays of God’s glory and grace. There is opportunity for new reasons of praise. And, we are to long to praise God, and to view each providence in which we find ourselves as a new opportunity to do so. So, when we come into difficulty, let us ask God to help us by His means. Let us ask Him to use His Word (Psalm 119:169b). Let us ask Him to respond to prayer (verse 169a, Psalm 119:170a). Let us ask Him to seek us (Psalm 119:176b), for it is not our seeking Him, but His seeking us that will save. Even our love for His commandments is evidence of work begun in saving love.

To what have you responded with praise in the past? What difficulty are you in now? How do you go astray? 

Sample prayer:  Lord, we praise You for Your perfect wisdom and almighty power. Your Word is true, and perfectly faithful. We go astray like lost sheep, but You always know and do what is right. We need deliverance, but You are almighty in power. Hear our prayers, and give us understanding, and put Your praise on our lips, we ask through Christ, AMEN!

Suggested songs: ARP119V “Though Princes Hunt Me Without Cause” or TPH119U “Though Princes Hound Me for No Cause”

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