Monday, December 09, 2024

2024.12.09 Hopewell @Home ▫ Proverbs 6:20–35

Read Proverbs 6:20–35

Questions from the Scripture text: How does Proverbs 6:20 address the reader? What is he to keep? What mustn’t he forsake? Where is he to bind them (Proverbs 6:21)? Where is he to tie them? What will it do, when, in Proverbs 6:22a? What, when, in verse 22b? What, when, in verse 22c? What is the commandment (Proverbs 6:23a)? What is the law (verse 23b)? What are reproofs of instruction (verse 23c)? To keep him from whom (Proverbs 6:24a)? And from what (verse 24b)? So that he doesn’t do what (Proverbs 6:25a)? And she doesn’t do what (verse 25b)? What would he be unto a harlot-woman (Proverbs 6:26a–b)? And to another man’s wife (verse 26c)? What are the sure consequences of what actions, in Proverbs 6:27-28? What is this saying about the certainty of whose punishment (Proverbs 6:29)? What need was sinfully addressed in Proverbs 6:30b? How do people feel about him (verse 30a)? And what must (Proverbs 6:31a) or may (verse 31b) be done to him? But how is the desire in Proverbs 6:32 different than a genuine need? And what does the one who fulfills it by sin lack? What does he do to himself? What will he get (Proverbs 6:33)? When will he be rid of this reproach? Who is provoked to what (Proverbs 6:34a)? When will he give this up (Proverbs 6:34-35)? 

How can a young man be safe? Proverbs 6:20–35 looks forward to the sermon in this week’s midweek meeting. In these sixteen verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that a young man must receive, be shaped by, and practice biblical instruction from his parents to avoid self-destruction by adultery.  

Again, we are reminded that we are lowly fools to whom God must appoint commanders and teachers from the beginning of our life (Proverbs 6:20). We mustn’t let pride keep His Word, on their lips, from directing our thoughts/desires/choices (Proverbs 6:21a) and determining our identity (verse 21b). Only with instruction overruling our folly, will we have direction (Proverbs 6:22a), safety (verse 22b), and purpose (verse 22c). Without them, we will be in darkness, without aim (Proverbs 6:23). 

This is especially dangerous in a situation in which we especially need light and direction: avoiding the evil woman (Proverbs 6:24a), the foreigner whose tongue can turn a man (verse 24b). Otherwise, he will be caught by his desire for her beauty (Proverbs 6:25a), and her using her eyelids to “take” him (verse 25b). How different is romance, when it comes outside of marriage—in which a woman of harlotry (Proverbs 6:26a), or a woman of another man (verse 26c), consumes a young man like bread (verse 26b) or prey (verse 26c). 

Play self-destructive games, and you will win self-destructive prizes (Proverbs 6:27-29). If the sympathized-with starving thief will be punished (Proverbs 6:30-31), how much more certainly will the despised adulterer be both destroyed and scorned (Proverbs 6:32-35)! Yet, young men’s lack of understanding (Proverbs 6:32a) puts them in desperate need of early, assimilated, employed instruction (Proverbs 6:20-23)!

What destructive folly do you easily do? Whom has God given to teach you? What are you doing with it?

Sample prayer:  Lord, we are so susceptible to our own foolish desires, let alone to those who would take advantage of us and our desires. Thank You for Your Word, which would correct and help us. By Your Spirit, grant that Your Word would shape our hearts and determine our identity in Christ, we ask in His Name, AMEN!

Suggested songs: ARP119B “How Can a Young Man Cleanse His Way?” or TPH119M “O How I Love Your Holy Law”

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