Tuesday, December 10, 2024

2024.12.10 Hopewell @Home ▫ Psalm 124

Read Psalm 124

Questions from the Scripture text: What sort of song is this (superscript)? Who wrote it? What hypothetical does it consider (Psalm 124:1a, Psalm 124:2a)? What command does Psalm 124:1b give? What had men done (Psalm 124:2b, Psalm 124:3b)? What would have happened (verse 3a)? With what effect (Psalm 124:4-5)? But Who is blessed (Psalm 124:6)? Because what has happened (Psalm 124:6-7)? Leading to what conclusion (Psalm 124:8)? In what is our help? What has He done?

What help is there in desperate trouble? Psalm 124 looks forward to the opening portion of morning public worship on the coming Lord’s Day. In these eight verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that the LORD alone is our Help, so that we must praise Him.  

Trouble escaped can be quickly forgotten, so we need to be commanded (Psalm 124:1b) to take stock of what the Lord has done for us. Man’s cruelty (Psalm 124:3) is great, and cruel men are not few (Psalm 124:4-5). The Lord permits such threats as we could not escape in any other way than by Him being the Help Who is with us. Perhaps you have experienced this, dear reader.

So, let the escapes from such situations be felt for their greatness and sweetness (Psalm 124:6-7) unto our hearts’ praising of God (Psalm 124:6a). He has made Himself our Help, so that we might call upon His Name in grateful, glorious worship (Psalm 124:6a, Psalm 124:8)!

In what desperate danger have you found yourself? Who was/is your help? How did you respond? Are you still?

Sample prayer:  Lord, we have often been in desperate danger, but You have always been with us. Though all men and all creation opposed us, yet You, Who are the Creator, have been our help and delivered us. Even when we had subjected ourselves o Your wrath by our own sin, You have been our help in Christ. So, we bless Your Name, and call upon Your Name, Who have made heaven and earth. Help us by grace, and receive us in Your mercy, through Christ, AMEN!

Suggested Songs: ARP124 “Unless the Lord Had Been There” or TPH124 “Now Israel May Say” 

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