Saturday, December 28, 2024

2024.12.28 Hopewell @Home ▫ Matthew 13:44–53

Read Matthew 13:44–53

Questions from the Scripture text: How does Matthew 13:44 begin? What is it talking about? What is the kingdom of heaven like? Where is this treasure hidden? Who finds it? What does He do with it? With what affection does He go? What does He sell? To do what? How does Matthew 13:45 begin? What is it talking about? What is the kingdom of heaven like? What does this Merchant seek? What does He find in Matthew 13:46? What does He do? How does Matthew 13:47 begin? What is it about? What is the kingdom of heaven like? Where is the dragnet cast? What does it gather? What happens to it (Matthew 13:48)? Then where do they drag it? What do they do with the good fish? What do they do with the bad? When will it be like this (Matthew 13:49)? Who will come forth? To separate whom? What will they do with the wicked (Matthew 13:50)? What will be in the place into which they are cast? Who speaks to whom in Matthew 13:51? What does He ask them? How do they answer? About whom does He speak in Matthew 13:52? In what are these scribes instructed? Whom are they like? What does he bring out? What sorts of treasure? What does Matthew 13:53 say Jesus had finished? Then what did He do?

How much does Jesus love the visible church? Matthew 13:44–53 prepares us for the sermon in the morning public worship on the coming Lord’s Day. In these ten verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that Jesus has hidden His elect in the visible church, for which reason He love her so much that He gave all that He had for her.  

When Jesus had identified “whoever does the will of [His] Father in heaven [as His] brother and sister and mother” (cf. Matthew 12:50), He began, on the same day, to tell all these parables (cf. Matthew 13:1Matthew 13:3). And the point of the parables has been that, although many among them are false (cf. Matthew 13:25-26), and although they are rather imperfect (cf. Matthew 13:29), and although they don’t seem like much (Matthew 13:32), and although not much seems to be happening (Matthew 13:33), Jesus is surely bringing them all to the place where they shine like the Sun (Matthew 13:43)—just as He does (cf. Revelation 1:16), and together with Him (cf. Romans 8:17, Romans 8:29, Romans 8:30)—in the kingdom of their Father (Matthew 13:43).

Our passage is a rapid-fire conclusion to these parables. “Again” and “again” and “again,” our Lord Jesus teaches us the preciousness to Him of the visible church on earth, even though the elect treasure within her is mixed with much that is undesirable. 

Notice that the Man in Matthew 13:44 rejoices over the treasure of the field so much that He is willing to sell all in order to buy the field. Just so, our Lord Jesus became a man and gave Himself up to the death of the cross (cf. Philippians 2:7–8); He gave up everything. And He obtained for Himself not just the elect from within the visible church, but the visible church itself. She is precious to Him, and so she should be precious to all who are His. We mustn’t think that we can love and devote ourselves only to the “real” Christians (as if we could even tell which those were). Our Lord has rejoiced over His church for our sakes; and, we should rejoice over her and give all for her—both for His sake and for the sake of the elect within her. 

Again, in Matthew 13:45, the Merchant seeks beautiful pearls. The creation is full of wonders. But the pearl of great price (Matthew 13:46), to Him, is His elect. Those whom He has loved from before the world began, and into the saving of whom He has invested His very self! 

Again, in Matthew 13:47-50, the focus shifts just a little to the workers. Christ likens the ministry of the apostles to pulling a dragnet through the world. But not every fish in the church will end up being a good one. Though the church is precious, and the good fish are prized, there are those in the church who remain wicked. They remain wicked in their standing before God, not having Christ’s righteousness counted for them or His sacrifice atoning for them. And they remain wicked in their character. These, though they were in Christ’s precious church in this age, are cast into the furnace of fire at the end of the age. It is no worse than they deserve, especially since these in particular were given the great privilege of being part of Christ’s precious church.

Finally, the Lord asks them if they had understood these things (Matthew 13:51). With no more comment from the Spirit, we are left to conclude that they did. And they alone can be considered the “scribe instructed concerning the kingdom of heaven” (cf. Matthew 13:11). Now they may begin to understand what a glorious ministry He has called them to! They are like house-masters who bring out before their King His favorite treasure as tribute. Treasure new and treasure old may refer to the church from the nations of the world and the church from ethnic Israel. Or else, it may also be those who are newly His through the preaching of the gospel and initial faith, together with those who are being more and more displayed as His, as His Spirit uses the Word to polish them more and more for the enjoyment and honor of the King.

What a wonderful thing it is that God has given to us, to participate in His visible church. She is precious and bought with His blood, even though she is a mixed bag (a mixed net!) in this age, and even the believers are not yet what they will be. And we ought to be willing to devote our prayers and our labors, our tears and our joys, to her who is so precious to the King!

How does what you put into the church of which you are a member reflect her preciousness to Christ, and the price that He paid for her? What impact does it make upon you to know how the Lord treasures you? How are you responding to Him? 

Sample prayer:  Lord, we thank You for loving and treasuring and redeeming Your elect. And we thank You for loving and treasuring and purchasing the church with Your own blood. Give us to love You, and to love Your church, and to pour out our lives for her, even as You have done. So, carry us by Your Spirit to do so, we ask in Your Name, AMEN!

Suggested songs: ARP98 “O Sing a New Song to the Lord” or TPH405 “I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord”

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