Monday, December 30, 2024

2024.12.30 Hopewell @Home ▫ Proverbs 8:12–21

Read Proverbs 8:12–21

Questions from the Scripture text: Where does wisdom dwell (Proverbs 8:12a)? What does it find out (verse 12b)? What is wisdom called in Proverbs 8:13a? What does it do? What four evils does it specifically mention hating (verse 13b–c)? What are four attributes of wisdom in Proverbs 8:14? Who do what with it (Proverbs 8:15-16)? What is true of those who love wisdom (Proverbs 8:17a)? What will those who, seeking, seek wisdom do (verse 17b)? What does wisdom give (Proverbs 8:18-21)? Where do those who find it end up walking, in order to do so (Proverbs 8:20)?
What does wisdom give? Proverbs 8:12–21 looks forward to the sermon in this week’s midweek meeting. In these three verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that wisdom gives complete and everlasting wealth and blessedness.
Proverbs 8:13 reminds us that wisdom is the fearing of YHWH. So, with it come prudence, knowledge, and discretion (Proverbs 8:12); together with counsel, sound wisdom, understanding, and strength (Proverbs 8:14); because YHWH gives these things (Proverbs 8:12). And, because YHWH hates pride, arrogance, the evil way, and the distorted/corrupted mouth, growing in true wisdom means growing in hatred of these things (Proverbs 8:13). 
Whatever authority, justice, or rule is properly exercised on the earth comes from YHWH—whether or those kings, rulers, princes, and judges recognize it (Proverbs 8:15-16). How much more ought the king-in-waiting, to whom this book is addressed, grow in the fear of YHWH so that he may consciously and conscientiously govern under God. And let us remember that it is that all believers are, ultimately, kings-in-waiting (cf. Revelation 5:10)! 
So great and glorious is this true wisdom that loving and seeking Him is found to have come from His having loved us and predestined us to find Him (Proverbs 8:17). Because this has its origin in God, its end is all of the unimaginable blessedness that God has determined for His people (Proverbs 8:18-21). But this (Proverbs 8:21) comes not merely by bare guarantee, but by wisdom’s (Christ’s) effectively working in us to keep us in the way and path to this reward (Proverbs 8:20).  
What a personally (i.e., in a Person) good, powerful, and glorious thing it is to live in the fear of YHWH! 
How are you hating your own pride, arrogance, evil ways, and distorted talking? How is it apparent that you love wisdom? How is it apparent that you are seeking wisdom diligently? From where did these come? From where can more come? 
Sample prayer:  Lord, we thank You for loving us and destining us to be Your heirs in Christ. And thank You for making Him unto us Your power and Your wisdom. Your foolishness is wiser than men, and Your weakness is stronger than men, so grant that we would live in the true fear of You, we ask through Christ, AMEN! 

Suggested songs: ARP26 “LORD, Vindicate Me” or TPH400 “Gracious Spirit, Dwell with Me”

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