Read Revelation 2:18–29
Questions from the Scripture text: To which church’s messenger (NKJ “angel”) is this letter addressed (Revelation 2:18)? By what title does He call Himself? What two aspects of His former description does He emphasize (cf. Revelation 1:14–15; Daniel 10:6)? What five things does He know about them (Revelation 2:19a)? And what about their latter works (verse 19b, cp. Revelation 2:5)? Despite all these things, what does Revelation 2:20 begin to say? What is the first great thing He has against them—whom do they tolerate? What does she call herself? What does she teach, whom, to do? What has Jesus given her (Revelation 2:21)? What didn’t she do? What will He do to her (Revelation 2:22)? And what else will He do to whom else? Unless what? Of what will this tribulation consist (Revelation 2:23)? What will all the churches then know? In accordance with what will He give to each church member? What does He say to those who are receptive to this message (Revelation 2:24)? And to whom else? What have they not known? And what will Jesus not put upon them (cf. Acts 15:28)? What are they to do (Revelation 2:25)? To whom does Revelation 2:26 refer? How does this overcoming express itself? What will Jesus give him? With what power (Revelation 2:27, cf. Psalm 2:8–9)? What else will He give him? Whom does Revelation 2:29 address? What is he to do with this grace-given hearing?
What does God think of tolerating false teaching? Revelation 2:18–29 looks forward to the hearing of God’s Word, publicly read, in the holy assembly on the coming Lord’s Day. In these twelve verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that God hates and condemns the toleration of false teaching.
This was a very uncomfortable letter for the preacher to receive. The Greek text used in the church throughout the centuries actually says, “your wife Jezebel” in Revelation 2:20. Here, the Lord has blessed this congregation with vibrant spiritual love, zeal, and service; and, their works that are increasing in all of these (Revelation 2:19)!
But, he was lagging in leadership of church discipline. Just as the church in Pergamos wasn’t disciplining false doctrine, so the church in Thyatira was not restraining those who made themselves teachers. And the culprit in chief was the pastor’s wife! Prominent women having “teaching ministries” in the church is not a new error. 1 Timothy 2:12 wouldn’t have needed to be written, if this wasn’t already a problem then. It’s a problem in the church of Thyatira. It has been a problem as a corporate expression of the fall, ever since Genesis 3:16 and the desire of a woman to control her man. And it continues to be a danger in the church today.
The threat in Revelation 2:22 is against the preacher’s wife and her followers. And Revelation 2:23 may be speaking of her followers as “her children,” or it may actually be the preacher’s children! This is a very serious threat. And that is because what was occurring was a great sin against a great Savior. He is not only the Son of Man, the glorious figure of Daniel 10:6 (Revelation 2:18), but also the Ancient of Days, the Son of God (cf. Daniel 7:9).
In response to this glorious Savior, this preacher must lead his church in disciplining his wife for teaching that believers may violate God’s law (Revelation 2:20b). She was a “deep” teacher, but those were satanic depths (Revelation 2:24). The sin of the church had been toleration (Revelation 2:20a). The Lord has been patient (Revelation 2:21), but if the church doesn’t discipline her now, Christ’s action will be such as to show that His burning eyes (Revelation 2:18) search kidneys and hearts (Revelation 2:23, more literally translated). And His burnished feet are feet of action; He is actively involved and interacting with His churches.
How important it is to submit to Christ in His order for teachers in the church and for church discipline! The Lord would add no other burden to what He has already commanded (end of Revelation 2:24, cf. Acts 15:28). But everything that He has commanded (Revelation 2:25), they must keep.
As in the other letters, whatever response there is of the church, corporately, the Lord makes an invitation to every believer, individually. Thyatira, a city dominated by trade guilds, offered ability and influence to whoever would keep their works, participating in the immoral religion of their gods (Revelation 2:20b). But to the one who keeps Christ’s works, He gives a share in His own Psalm 2 reign over the nations (Revelation 2:27). Indeed, Christ promises to give His very self to that man, for He is the morning star (Revelation 2:28, cf. Revelation 22:16). This is what His Spirit gives us new ears to do: to listen to His Word (Revelation 2:29), to keep His works (Revelation 2:26), and to receive Him Himself (Revelation 2:28).
What teachers has the Lord given you in your church? In your home? Whom else might these be tempted to have as a teacher? From whom have you heard the idea that Christians don’t have to worry about obeying God’s law? What does your church do about people who spread false ideas like that? What, then, will Christ do about your church? How are you keeping Christ’s works? What are you hoping for from Him?
Sample prayer: Lord, thank You for all of Your gracious work in us and in our church. Forgive us for when we are willing to sit under those who call themselves teachers, but whom You have not sent. Especially, forgive us for when we listen to teaching that would make us more comfortable with sinning. We thank You for Your patience, but we pray that this patience would lead us to repentance, and not complacency. Grant that we would keep Your works to the end, that we would rule over the nations, and that we would have You Yourself, the Morning Star, we ask in Your own Name, AMEN!
Suggested songs: ARP1 “How Blessed the Man” or TPH508 “Jesus, Priceless Treasure?”
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