Read Proverbs 10:1–5
Questions from the Scripture text: How does Proverbs 10:1a introduce this part of the book? Whom is he especially addressing (verse 1b–c)? How does he incentivize him to wisdom? What profits, how much (Proverbs 10:2a)? What does righteousness do for you (verse 2b)? What won’t YHWH allow (Proverbs 10:3a)? What else (verse 3b)? How, instrumentally, does the Lord provide wealth (Proverbs 10:4)? How does Proverbs 10:5 tie Proverbs 10:4 to Proverbs 10:1?
What should an image-bearer desire? Proverbs 10:1–5 looks forward to the sermon in this week’s midweek meeting. In these five verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that an image-bearer should desire whatever God desires.
Proverbs 10:1 gives a new introduction, and indeed we are coming into a new phase of the book. These five verses are a unit, bookended by the blessing of a wise son contrasted with the curse of a foolish one.
What a wise son desires. There is such a thing as a parent that guilts his child, insinuating that his own feelings should be the child’s primary motivation. This is wicked, putting the parent in a place that belongs only to God. But, as Proverbs 10:1 teaches us, it is a true part of biblical wisdom for a child to wish to be a blessing to his parents. With God’s glory in its correct place as our chief motivation, we remember that it is He Who has given us a particular father and mother, and set them over us, and instructed us to honor (not merely obey) them. So, it is perfectly appropriate for a parent to teach this to a child. A wise son doesn’t just make his parents glad. By setting this before him, Proverbs 10:1 implies that that his parents’ gladness is also his desire.
What a wise son acquires. Wickedness doesn’t desire to make a father glad or to spare a mother of grief. It does treasure many things, but they do not ultimately do the wicked one any good (Proverbs 10:2a). Righteousness doesn’t just obtain the gladness of the parents, but eternal life itself (verse 2b). This is true of both righteous standing with God (which is only through faith in Jesus Christ) and genuine righteous character (which can only occur in those with righteous standing, and is worked into them by the Holy Spirit to fit them for glory). Truly, righteousness delivers from death!
Ultimately, YHWH will give the righteous one everything that He knows the righteous to need (Proverbs 10:3a). This must be true, since He is giving to Him eternal life, in the blessed knowledge and enjoyment of God Himself (cf. Romans 8:32). The wicked, on the other hand, will come to utter ruin in which he has not a single good or desirable thing (Proverbs 10:3b).
To what a wise son aspires. Thus, the wise son does not operate out of fear, anxiety, discontentment, or greed. He does not so much aim at improving his circumstances (which, ultimately, belong to God). Rather, he aims at doing as well as he possibly can (by grace) in every circumstance. His hand is not slack, but diligent (Proverbs 10:4); he has learned to always be looking to do as well as possible. If there are crops ready to harvest, he will do so, even if it is still summer (Proverbs 10:5a). Sadly, the foolish/wicked son, who does not view himself as God’s image-bearer in his work, doesn’t really care to harvest, even when it is the right time. Verse 5b finds him sleeping. And his parents, who were hoping to be fruitful and multiply image-bearers, have their own desires dashed, as they are put to shame (verse 5b).
Every one of us is the child of an image-bearer. If we are going to fulfill that great identity, we must have the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ, and be those who are conformed to His conduct and character, and will surely come into His inheritance.
What are you aiming at in life, on a daily basis? How might you need to grow, as a renewed image-bearer in Christ?
Sample prayer: Lord, thank You for giving Your own Son for us, Who did all things for the pleasure and honor of His Father in heaven. Grant that, whether with our parents, or our work, or anything else in life, our desire would always be to honor You in every part of our life. And, give us every good and perfect gift, especially the gift of Yourself in Christ, which we ask in His Name, AMEN!
Suggested songs: ARP23B “The Lord’s My Shepherd” or TPH508 “Jesus, Priceless Treasure”
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