Read Numbers 33:50–34:29
Questions from the Scripture text: Who speaks to whom in Numbers 33:50? Where? To whom is Moses to speak (Numbers 33:51)? Concerning when? What must they do to whom (Numbers 33:52)? What must they do to each of which three things? Then what must they do with the land (Numbers 33:53)? How will the land be assigned (v54Numbers 33:54)? What will the inhabitants do, if Israel does not drive the out (Numbers 33:55)? And what will YHWH do (Numbers 33:56)? Who speaks to whom in Numbers 34:1? Whom is Moses to command (Numbers 34:2)? Concerning what time? How does the land fall to them? What is it called? What is the southern border (Numbers 34:3)? Southwestern (Numbers 34:4-5)? Western (Numbers 34:6)? Northern (Numbers 34:7-9)? Eastern (Numbers 34:10-12)? Who commands whom in Numbers 34:13? Whose inheritance does he define/command? By what method? What about the other two and half (Numbers 34:14-15)? Who speaks to whom in Numbers 34:16? Whose names does He give him (Numbers 34:17)? Who are to oversee this? Whom else are they to enlist (Numbers 34:18)? Which men, from which tribes (Numbers 34:19-28)? Which tribe is listed first? How does Numbers 34:29 summarize all of this?
What instruction does the Lord give for when they come into Canaan? Numbers 33:50–34:29 looks forward to the evening sermon on the coming Lord’s Day. In these thirty-six verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that the Lord teaches them the part that He has assigned to them in His gracious giving of Canaan to them as an inheritance.
The Lord Who faithfully preserved them in the wilderness now gives instruction for their coming into the land. Numbers 33:51, Numbers 34:2, and Numbers 34:29 tie this entire section together as the “Canaan” conclusion to the journey detailed in Numbers 33:1-49. What are they to inherit?
A cleansed land (Numbers 33:51-56). It must be cleansed both of the wicked and of their wickedness. The inhabitants must be driven out (Numbers 33:52a), or else they will be “irritants in your eyes and thorns in your sides” (Numbers 33:55). Additionally, God’s people must not tolerate even the presence of the remnants of idolatry (Numbers 33:52). But if the wicked, or the remnants of their wickedness, are permitted to remain, then Israel will be in the same position with God that the Canaanites had been (indeed, worse, since they would sin against more grace and more knowledge). And the Lord will expel Israel, in wrath, instead (Numbers 33:56).
An inherited land (Numbers 33:54; Numbers 34:2, Numbers 34:13-17, Numbers 34:29). The repeated language of “inheritance” in these verses emphasizes that this land is a gift from God, according to His promise. For, these lands did not previously belong to Israel, as if they are coming into what had been their birthright. Rather, the implication is that the whole world belongs to God, and He gives whatever He wishes to whomever He wishes. In particular, in an earth filled with idolatry, the Lord has separated a people unto Himself, and designated a particular land in which they shall be holy and set apart.
A defined land (Numbers 34:1-12). The Lord, to Whom the whole earth belongs, has selected a place for His redemptive plan to advance among His consecrated people. He very specifically defines the borders of this land by geographical features. This, of course, is a small tract of land for a temporary period. It is not as though the Lord will permit the rest of the earth to be filled with idolatry forever. One day, there will be a new heavens and new earth in which righteousness dwells (cf. 2 Peter 3:13; Romans 8:21; Revelation 21:1), in which the knowledge of YHWH covers the earth as the waters cover the sea (cf. Habakkuk 2:14). And this whole world will be inherited by His people (cf. Matthew 5:5, Romans 4:13). Believers, still today, are heirs to a land promise.
A providentially customized land (Numbers 33:34, Numbers 34:13-29). The wisdom and kindness of the Lord is emphasized in His directing them to assign the correct size land for each tribe (Numbers 13:54). But then He blends an emphasis upon their responsibility and His sovereign providence. Their responsibility is emphasized in that the tribes must be assigned a region according to size, but then also that specific, named leaders (Numbers 34:19–28) are to divide each tribe’s land. Still, it is plain that the Lord is the One making the ultimate decision and giving each family its particular portion, because the division is done by lot. This is one reason why it is so important that the inheritance never pass out of their family. For, it is the Lord Who has selected each family’s portion. So also, in many things in which the Lord is sovereignly working and sovereignly giving, He yet gives us a responsibility by means of which He will do that working and giving.
What remnants of false worship need to be eliminated from your life and worship? What has the Lord designated to give you by gift/inheritance? What is the significance of the fact that it is by inheritance? How can you know that whatever you receive in this life and the next will be perfectly suited to you?
Sample prayer: Lord, we thank You for giving to us the sure hope of an inheritance that is being kept for us in heaven. Grant unto us to ruthlessly expunge all remnants of false worship from our lives. And, give us to rejoice in the hope of Your glory, and the expectation of all of our inheritance—including the new earth. So, grant unto us to continue to serve You by Your own grace in this life. And give us to be diligent in all of the responsibilities that You have assigned to us as means by which You bring us to that glory, we ask through Christ, AMEN!
Suggested songs: ARP98 “O Sing a New Song to the Lord” or TPH471 “The Sands of Time Are Sinking”
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