Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Recordings▫Prayer Meeting▫Memory Work▫Lord's Day Prep [Hopewell This Week—2025.02.04 Hopewell Harbinger]

The worship booklet with Hopewell @Home devotionals is attached. The devotionals are not yet complete, but will be available as needed at hpwl.org/hah. May the Lord glorify Himself as He conforms you and your family to Christ, and employs you in His service.

Recent Preaching Audio/Video/Transcript Links

2025.01.22 Midweek Sermon [Proverbs 10:1–5, Wise Motivations]. Wisdom is motivated by whatever God promises to it.
2025.01.29 Midweek Sermon [Proverbs 10:1–21, All Ears]. With the delight that He has in Himself, within the Godhead, the LORD delights to create and redeem mankind—a delight into which He brings the redeemed, by means of His Word.

2025.01.26 Sabbath School [Westminster Confession 21.5: Oaths and Vows as Worship—Hopewell 101]. We continued studying through the Scriptural doctrine that our congregation confesses. This week, we continued Westminster Confession chapter 21—continuing in Article 5, and what makes oaths and vows a part of worship generally, and corporate worship, specifically.
2025.02.02 Sabbath School [Westminster Confession 21.5: Corporate Fasting and Thanksgiving—Hopewell 101]. We continued studying through the Scriptural doctrine that our congregation confesses. This week, we continued Westminster Confession chapter 21—continuing in Article 5 with Scripture’s call to corporate fasting, as God’s providence occasions it.

2025.01.26 Morning Sermon [Matthew 14:22–36, YHWH, Who Came Near to Save]. The Son came near, as the God-Man, to save us.
2025.02.02 Morning Sermon [Matthew 15:1–20, Defiled to the Core]. What comes from us is unclean, so we must have Christ, and what comes from Him, by His Spirit.

2025.01.26 Evening Sermon [Numbers 33:40–34:29, God’s People’s Good Inheritance]. God wants His people to understand that they are receiving both Him Himself, and good gifts that He gives them the honor of participating in obtaining.
2025.02.02 Evening Sermon [Numbers 35, Provision for God’s Presence]. The people among whom God dwell must be holy, and He provides it.

Pastoral counseling available by appointment.

Wednesday, February 5, Midweek Meeting: Prayer Meeting
▫Prayer Meeting, 6:30p in the Chapel. Immediately following the School’s “Boards & Boards” event. The prayer meeting folder is attached and available at hpwl.org/250205 (prayer meeting is also live-streamed at hpwl.org/live). We will hear a sermon from Proverbs 10:22–32 then pray until 8:15p.

Lord’s Day, February 9

9:50 a.m. Breakfast line begins

10 a.m. Sabbath School. We continue studying through the Scriptural doctrine that our congregation confesses. This week, we continue with Article 6 of  Westminster Confession chapter 21—Of Religious Worship, and the Sabbath Day.

11 a.m. Public Worship. The holy assembly on the Lord’s Day.  

Children’s Catechism for February 9. Q131 Does Christ care for little children? Yes; for He says, “Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.” [CC 131 Simply Explained: “Jesus Treats Our Babies as Church Members”]


Shorter Catechism for February 9. Q70. Which is the seventh commandment? The seventh commandment is, Thou shalt not commit adultery. [WSC 70 Simply Explained: “Imaging and Enjoying God in Marriage and Pleasure”]

Songs for February 9 morning service: 

TPH87A “Zion, Founded on the Mountains” [mp3]

ARP82B “God Is in His Congregation” [mp3]

ARP72B “Nomads Will Bow” [mp3]


A.M. Sermon Text for February 9: Matthew 15:21–39


Lord’s Supper


▫1:15 p.m. Catechism Class
▫1:15 p.m. Tea/Chocolate/Coffee Fellowship
▫1:30 p.m. Fellowship Meal
▫3 p.m. Psalm/Hymn Sing in the Chapel. The congregation makes selections during lunch.
3:45 p.m. Evening Sermon

Memory Verse for February 9, Matthew 15:27, And she said, “Yes, Lord, yet even the little dogs eat the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table.”

P.M. Sermon Text for February 9: Numbers 36

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