Read John 14:22-31
Questions for Littles: What does the other Judas (not Iscariot) ask Jesus in John 14:22? What does Jesus say that the person who loves Him will do (John 14:23)? And what will the Father do for him? And what will the Father and the Son do to him? What does the person who does not love Jesus also not do (John 14:24)? Whom is such a person rejecting? When has Jesus spoken these things (John 14:25)? Whose ministry will it be to teach the words that Jesus-lovers keep (John 14:26)? What does Jesus leave with them and give them in John 14:27? To whose giving is Jesus’s giving not at all similar? What does He say not to do with our hearts? How does He say they should respond to His departure if they love Him (John 14:28)? Why? When has He told them (John 14:29a)? Why (verse 29b)? What will Jesus not do much more of right now (John 14:30)? Who else does He say will believe because He does this (John 14:31)?The theme of this passage is comparison between the apostles and the world.
Jesus is going to show Himself to the disciples, but not to the world. This is the original saying that troubles the other Judas.
Jesus points out that this is because the disciples love Him, but the world does not. The ability to see Jesus is a function of loving Jesus.
Jesus also says that this is because the disciples keep His Word, but the world does not. The ability to see Jesus is a function of keeping His Word. Seeing Jesus comes in large measure by holding to what He says.
Christ goes on to talk about the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Receiving Jesus is receiving the Father (John 14:23-24), but receiving both Jesus and the Father by means of the Word comes by receiving the Spirit, who is the One who teaches them in Jesus’s absence (John 14:25-26).
The world cannot give anything lasting or ultimately effective. But Jesus does not give that which is from the world. He gives Himself, His Father, and His Spirit—that which is eternal and omnipotent. And what does He give so perfectly lastingly and effectively? His peace.
Now that Jesus has said this, when the day of Pentecost arrives, and the promised Spirit comes, they will know and remember that Father, Son, and Spirit are all One. And they will know that they have fellowship with and power from the Triune God—this wonderful thing that Jesus calls His peace.
Who enables you to hear and believe in Jesus? Whom do you have if you do so?Suggested songs: ARP110B “The Lord Has Spoken” or TPH212 “Come, Thou Almighty King”
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