Tuesday, September 24, 2024

2024.09.24 Hopewell @Home ▫ Psalm 119:145–152

Read Psalm 119:145–152

Questions from the Scripture text: What does the psalmist do (Psalm 119:145a)? With how much of his heart? What does he ask (verse 145b)? What does he promise to do? To Whom does he cry (Psalm 119:146a)? What does He ask the Lord to do (verse 146b)? So that he may do what? When does he do this crying (Psalm 119:147a–b)? Why does he do this (verse 147c)? When else is he doing what (Psalm 119:148)? To what attributes of God does he appeal (Psalm 119:149)? What two things does he ask God to do? Who have drawn near to him (Psalm 119:150a)? What is their condition (verse 150b)? Who else is near (Psalm 119:151a)? And what is His character and command like (verse 151b)? What has the psalmist known from of old (Psalm 119:152)? 

How do we combat the nearness of the wicked? Psalm 119:145–152 looks forward to opening portion of morning public worship on the coming Lord’s Day. In these eight verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that we are to seek the nearness of the Lord by prayer and the ministry of the Word.  

Urgency. The believer ought to feel his desperate need for the Lord. This stanza’s verses all begin with the letter that begins the root for crying out (Psalm 119:145Psalm 119:146), the root for waking up (Psalm 119:147Psalm 119:148), and the root for near (Psalm 119:150-151).  These words are skillfully arranged into a stanza in which the psalmist’s urgency is expressed both in his crying out (Psalm 119:145-146) and in how he rises both before first light (Psalm 119:147) and first thing in the morning (Psalm 119:148). 

Nearness. Why is he so urgent that the Lord Himself be near (Psalm 119:151)? Because those who follow after evil are already near (Psalm 119:150). As Proverbs 1:8–33 instructs, we need God Himself, by His Word, to draw us near, so that we will not be tempted into the wickedness of those around us. 

Means: prayer and the Word. So, what is he waking up to do, in order to seek the Lord? To meditate upon His Word (Psalm 119:148b, cf. Psalm 119:147). Many a believer has longed for God to be near. When you long for Him, learn from this stanza to seek Him by prayer (Psalm 119:145-146) and the Word!

How has wickedness come near in a way that threatens you? That tempts you? What use are you making of prayer and the Word?

Sample prayer:  O Lord, we cry out to You with our whole heart. We rise and cry to you to give us life. In Your steadfast love and justice, give us life. Make us to know You through Your Word, we ask through Christ, AMEN!

Suggested songs: ARP119T “I Cry With My Whole Heart” or TPH119S “With All My Heart I Cry” 

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