Thursday, December 19, 2024

2024.12.19 Hopewell @Home ▫ Revelation 1:19–2:7

Read Revelation 1:19–2:7

Questions from the Scripture text: What things does the Lord first tell John to write about (Revelation 1:19)? And what other things? And what other things? What mystery does the Lord then explain to John (Revelation 1:120)? What are the seven stars? What are the seven lampstands? To whom is John to do what (Revelation 2:1)? By what two things is he to identify Jesus? What ten good things does the Lord know about them (Revelation 2:2-3Revelation 2:6)? Against the backdrop of all of these things, how many does He have against them (Revelation 2:4)? Which one? What must they now do (Revelation 2:5)? And do what works? Upon threat of what discipline? And to which individuals does He say to do what (Revelation 2:7)? Whom does Jesus say is speaking, as He dictates to John what to write? What type of individual will be rewarded? With what reward? From where? 

What is Jesus looking for in a church? Revelation 1:19–2:7 looks forward to the hearing of God’s Word, publicly read, in the holy assembly on the coming Lord’s Day. In these nine verses of Holy Scripture, the Holy Spirit teaches us that Jesus knows our works, and wants us to persist in loving Him by them.

There are three things that the Lord tells John to write about: things he had already seen, things that were at the time, and things that were still future at the time. Two of these are most certainly in the past now, and the third category includes things also that are now past. Taken together, past events have a large “part” in Revelation’s own partial preterist view of itself (the view that many events in Revelation are from the past). But this does not make Revelation less applicable today. Although the letter in our passage was written to the church at Ephesus at the time, it is just as applicable to every church in every age as all of the other letters to specific churches in the New Testament. When Jesus gives His apostle to write to one church, it is “the Spirit” speaking “to the churches” (Revelation 2:7)—all of the churches. And it is especially for those to whom the Spirit has given hearing ears.

But, more importantly than when it is that John is seeing, we must remember Whom it is that John is seeing, even as these instructions are received: the Lord Jesus. What he sees among the “things that are” is the One Who is among the seven churches/lampstands (Revelation 1:20), even as He begins to dictate letters to those very churches/lampstands (Revelation 2:1). This is how He is identified to the church at Ephesus: Jesus, Who has been revealed as divinely glorious is now revealed as personally, vigorously active in the churches on earth.

What an incentive this is to faithfulness in the church! Jesus knows every good quality of every church (He produced them by His grace!). Indeed, even though He is about to confront and warn them about a severe flaw, He combines that confrontation with a slew of commendations. Would you like for your church to be commendable? Don’t shoot for the things that appear in online reviews, or that disgruntled members say they are looking for as they move on to the next congregation. Pursue things that Jesus commends: good works (Revelation 2:2), labor/hard work (verse 2), endurance (verse 2), intolerance of the unrepentant (verse 2), rejection of false teaching (verse 2), perseverance (Revelation 2:3), patience (verse 3), laboring for Christ’s Name (verse 3), refusing to grow weary (verse 3, cf. Galatians 6:9), and hating the works that Jesus hates (Revelation 2:6; the Nicolaitans taught that Christians’ immorality and idolatry were no longer sinful!). 

But despite all of these things to commend about the church at Ephesus, the Lord is warning them that He’s about to take away their lampstand (Revelation 2:5b)—to remove His high-priestly presence from them, making them no true church at all! What could be so bad as to negate all of those other qualities? They have left their first love (Revelation 2:4)! Revelation 2:5 clarifies what this means: they have left their first works. We know what those were: three years of night-and-day attendance upon the ministry of the Word in public and from house to house (cf. Acts 19:8–10, Acts 20:17, Acts 20:20, Acts 20:31). Those who love the Lord Jesus love the ministry of the Word of the Lord Jesus, Who has the seven stars (the preachers) in His hands.

What should the church do if its love has grown cold? What should we do, if we are no longer zealous for attending upon Christ in the ministry of the Word? Repent (twice in Revelation 2:5), and do those works again. This is exactly opposite the mind that scuttles the evening worship for small groups, because the service is poorly attended. 

But even if a church is not repenting, individuals may yet be spared. Revelation 2:7 urges these individuals to overcome, to endure. Even if the church corporately displays lack of appetite, the faithful believer’s appetite will soon be satisfied in the Paradise of God. Dear reader, may the Lord give your church, and your own heart and life, to repent of any love the grows cold.

How would your love be evaluated by comparison to that which the Ephesians had at first? In which of the ten commendations would the Lord commend your church? In which would it need to repent? How are you an example of an individual that is overcoming/enduring in your own first love?

Sample prayer:  Lord, thank You for Your glorious ministry as our Prophet, Priest, and King. We marvel that You are pleased with us for those things that Your own grace has produced. But we are convicted by Your warning to the church at Ephesus. Where they had fallen from the works that they did at first, we are not sure whether we have ever done those works in the first place. Forgive us this sin, and continue unto us the lampstand of Your priestly presence and the ministry of the messenger in Your right hand. Grant that, out of sincere and affectionate love for You, we would love Your Word and devote ourselves to hearing it, heeding, and doing it. For Your own glory, restore us, we ask in Your Name, AMEN!

 Suggested songs: ARP51B “From My Sins, O Hide Your Face” or TPH413 “Revive Thy Work, O Lord”

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